Chapter 13

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Felix: alexa

Felix: alexa

Alexa: what do you want

Felix: nothing lel

Felix: what are you doing

Alexa: studying

Felix: you're lying aren't you

Alexa: no I'm studying I swear

Felix: oh ok I guess

Felix: what are you studying?

Alexa: physics

Felix: cool

Felix: hey, do you hear sniffles coming from the locker hall?

Alexa: yeah. Must be someone

Felix: I'm going to the locker hall to investigate

Alexa: k

Felix: why does it lead to your locker

Alexa: uh idk

Felix: are you really studying

Alexa: yeah

Felix: no, you're crying

Alexa: no I'm not

Felix: I know that you're hiding in your locker

Alexa: no I'm not

Felix: I'm standing right next to your locker and I can hear you crying

Alexa: well I'm crying because someone locked me in

Felix: well another thing that I know is that you go home before 5 o' clock

Alexa: well what if i said that I had a project?

Felix: I wouldn't believe you either

Alexa: well help me out of the locker asshat

Felix: what's the code for the lock

Alexa: um idk

Alexa: my "attacker" used his lock

Felix: oh

Alexa: but I can guess it

Felix: who's your "attacker"

Alexa: promise me you won't tell anyone

Felix: I promise

Alexa: um, well my "attacker" is

Felix: who

Alexa: my bf
Sorry for the short chapter
I've been obsessed with the new emojis
Apple supports gays, lesbians, transgenders and the bisexuals!
Yay da_galaxy_unicorn
Have a nice day!

-Faith 💩

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