>chapter 8th<

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Next day..
Its saturday so we don't have a class they are all busy because of their needs but me I'm just lying down in my bed and reading a manga on my book.

"y/n!!" my mom called i sigh and stood up and i went downstairs.

"why?.. and mom can you please stop shouting you Can just go to my room and knock.." i said to her.

"i'm sorry ok I'll do it next time.. I just call you because i bake some cookies.. I want you to eat it..." she said then i look at the cookies it looks good so i take one and eat it.

"hm... So tasty but mom.. If you do a cookies can you just do chocolate cookies or just add more chocolate chips on this chocolate chip cookie...." i said chewing the cookie.

"stop.. Talking nonsense y/n I'll do it but later... Your always talking to much just eat and i know you like it.." mom said then she giggled mom and i just talking and laughing when my phone vibrate.


Hi their.. come on lets hangout.

who the heck is this?..

"y/n any problem?.." my mom asked she's looking at me.

"hm.. Nothing i-.. i just got a text from emma.." i said to her and she just nodded and smile and i smiled back.

Who the hell is this... I'm not giving my number to a stranger so... who's this!!!!!!

"y/n can you come with me?." mom asked made me look at her.

"where?.." i asked.

"just at the grocery store lets buy some food for ours and lets buy some food for you too because i know your always eating at night.." mom said and i looked away.

"alright I'll come with you mom since i will not going somewhere.. I'll help you too buy some food.." i said making my mom smile because the last we go out together is when i was 10.

We are now at the grocery store at mom and i was picking some food when my eyes landed into a familiar man and i wish he didn't see me mom just looking at the foods then walked.

"mom wait.." i shouted.

"ehh?.. Come here y/n lets find the food that your dad's like." mom shouted back I was shocked when she shouted my name when she shouted i ran to her not looking back because i know that man saw me.

"mom next time don't shout my name.." i Said to her.

"why?.. Your so problematic y/n..." she said and sigh i just look away "find the food that your dad like lets separate for now then I'll find you if i found.... Or just buy your food first.." mom said and i sigh "don't worry I'll pay.." mom added making me smile.

"ok I'll just find you too if I'm done bye mom" i said then walked away while I'm walking like a kid i bumped into a person a familiar person.

"ouch.. I'm sorry." i said holding my forehead Then i look up and saw a familiar face.

"eh?.. No need to apologized its ok.." he said then he looked at me "eh?.. you again?.." he added.

"again?.. Did we met somewhere?.." i lied pretending that i didn't met him.

"oi brother lets take thi-" the other man cut of his words when he saw you "oh.. hi y/n did you agreed with hanging out with me?..." he added.

huh?.. oh don't tell he's the one who texted me but how did he know my number?..

"hangout? don't tell your the one who texted me earlier... Huh?.." i asked him and his brother just looking at us.

"yeah... but sad cause you didn't replied.." he said.

"rindou you know her?.." his brother asked.

"yeah... We have a same class" rindou said "so who's with you?.." he added.

"ohh.... I'm with my mom." i said then i smiled awkwardly.

"your mom?... Oh that's mean its your mom who called you earlier.." he said.

"uhm.. Yeah." i said.

"hmm... I see.." rindou said.

"how many hours i will wait for you two to stop talking?.." his brother said "btw.. I'm ran.." he added.

"oh... I'm l/n y/n nice to meet you.." i said to him.

"ohh... Come rindou we need to leave.." ran said.

"alright... Byebye ugly y/n.." he said teasingly made me glare at him.

"stk.. A fucking walking lemonade.." i said and turned around and pick up some food for me after mom and i finish we pay the groceries we went home and mom fix the groceries and i went to my room with my foods My phone vibrate when i lied down i pick up my phone and saw a text.

I heard what did you say earlier..

ehh?.. its the fucking walking lemonade why he text me??.. is he like me or something?.. he look weird... Stk a creepy person.

ehh?..  what are your talking about?.

ehh?.. You mean he heard what i said earlier that i..... I called him a fucking walking lemonade? shitt...

Don't pretend... can i call?.




Oh.. That was easy..

Unknown calling.....


Hi... y/n.

What's your fucking problem
I just said no.

No?.. But why did you answer
You can turn off your phone if
You don't want me to call right?.

he have a point am i stupid or

*sigh* alright alright ... btw.. What do
You want?..


Stop joking around haitani I'm
i'm busy please.. i will hung this out.

i'm not joking and-

( call ended..)

I hangup the call i don't want to hear his fucking lies i know he will just going to play with me cause the other girls said the brothers from roppongi is just playing with girls i don't want to be one of that haitani toys.


I change the story i did it as a
rindou haitani fiction story

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