>chapter 3rd<

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"hah..... the wind here is so nice..." hina said.

we're now at the rooftop.

"yeahh.. your right.."i said agreeing to what she said.

"heyy.. where here like 30 minutes ago... you guys don't want to back to class again?.. i think our next teacher are their now because-... the fuck are we doing here again?.....?" emma said.

"he-... yeah your right we go here because we are waiting for our next teacher but.... fuckkkkk we're here like 30 minutes ago emma is right i think we need to go back and check our class..." senju said.

we left the rooftop and run towards to our room we know that the teachers will yelled at us because were running at the corridors
the students see us running while they have class we wish that the teachers won't see us running.

we reached our classroom and we see our teacher and she's already teaching so we decided not to go to her class and go somewhere.

"hays.. miss shen will yelled at us because we didn't go to her class" hina said and sigh.

"yeah your right hina... but if we entered the class she will yelled at us in front or our classmates... and that was so embarrassing.. we should explain it when she found out.." i said and they nodded.

we are now in the back of our building hiding to the teachers because it's class time so no students are outside if teachers will see us they will called our parents and they will say that we didn't go to our class.

"hey y/n... what if the teachers see us?.." senju asked.

"huh.. don't worry we will explain it.. goshh this is hard.. we need to hi-.." you were cut off when you saw the teacher coming to five of yours direction.

five of you run still hiding behind the bush and thankgod the teacher didn't see.

"shit.. that was so close.." yuzuha said and five of you giggled.

few minutes past the class was over and it's already lunch break so you got up and decided to go back to the building and find miss shen.

you bumped into a person while running.

"ouch.. i-.. I'm sorry I didn't see yo-.." you were cut when he turned to you and look at you.

"hey y/n your so fast we ca-... ohh hi mikey your class was over?.." emma said.

"uhm.. yeah I'm just waiting draken, mitsuya, and baji we will have a lunch to day you girls wanna come with us?.." mikey said and your still looking at him "hey y/n you ok?.. why are you running that was dangerous.." he added.

"ohj shoot i forget come on girls we need to go right?.. " you said and they look at you and nodded and start running again "bye mikey see you later.." you yelled to him and he nodded and smile.

five of you reach the teachers faculty room and you knock and open the door you saw miss shen sitting on her chair you five get in and went towards miss shen direction.

"uhm.. goodmorning miss shen we're sorry because we didn't to your class earlier we just forgot it when were sitting at the rooftop while inhaling the fresh air.... were very sorry miss shen.." i said and bow our head apologizing.

"ohh... look at this honest girls it's ok but.... tomorrow five of you girls will take a long exam from me tomorrow.... and let me ask why did you girls go to the rooftop.." miss shen said looking at us and were got up and look at her too.

"because we thought that you will not come to our class cause we didn't see you this morning so we decided to go to the rooftop and inhale some fresh air... were very sorry miss shen.." i said and i bow again and four or them bow too.

"ohh... your so honest y/n it's ok now i understand but tomorrow remember that you girls were having a long test tomorrow.. now go out and you girls have your lunch..." miss shen said and you thank her and left.

after talking with miss shen we went to the cafeteria to buy some food after we buy we mikey and his friends we go out and saw them sitting outside because the school have a seat and tables outside.

"oii.... mikey..." emma yelled.

"oi emma.." mikey said.

you five went to their direction and eat with them and talk something.

"so you girls let me ask why are five of you running hahh...?" mikey asked glaring at us.

"*cough* y/n... explain it.." senju said with her fake cough.

"yes y/n you should explain..." hina said agreeing to what they said.

"huh..? why me?.." i asked.

"because your the only one have a courage to say... the reason why are we running earlier.." yuzuha said.

"yess y/n yuzu is right" hina said and emma and senju nodded agreeing what emma said.

"hayss.. this girls are killing my confidence..." you said.

"just tell us y/n what happened earlier why are you girls running." mitsuya said and chifuyu, takemichi, baji, draken and kazutora nodded agreeing.

"alright I'll tell it." i said.

"good now say it.." mikey said.

"so earlier we don't know that miss shen were going to our class because she's five minutes late and we are bored to our classroom so we decided to go to the rooftop and inhale some fresh air.... and we realized the time and 30 minutes since we got up so we run towards to our classroom and i think the other teachers didn't see us because if they see us they will yelled at us.... after we reached our class we saw miss shen teaching already... and.." you said and thinking if you will continue it.

"and?.. hey y/n continue it.." draken said.

"and we decided not to go to our class since were late like 30 minutes late and that was class skipping... we go to the back of our building and hide after 20 minutes the class was over and it's lunch time we ran to the teachers faculty to apologize to miss shen because we didn't come to her class..... and that's why were running earlier while I'm running i bumped to mikey's back.. and i saw him that's all..." you said continuing what you said after you explained it they look at you serious.

"why?.. I'm just telling the truth.." you said and look at them.

"you are so honest y/n... because you tell miss shen the truth and you tell her too that you girls skipped to her class... so what's miss shen said to you?.." takemichi said.

"she said that they will give us long test.." you said and sigh.

"that was so good because she just gave you five a long test.." mikey said.


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