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Yess, This is our first lesson in this book. Before you can speak hangul you need to know first the Vowels and Consonant. Proceed below


Hangul has a total of 21 vowels.Among them are 11 basic vowels and ten double-vowel symbol.

11 Basic Vowels

Vowel ●Name ●Reading
ㅏ                아             "ah"
ㅓ                어             "eo"
ㅗ                오              "o"
ㅜ                우              "u"
ㅡ                으              "eu"
ㅣ                이               "i"
ㅐ                애              "ae"
ㅔ                에               "e"
ㅚ                외               "oe"
ㅟ                위               "wi"
ㅢ                의               "ui"

▶10 Double-vowels symbles

Vowel ● Name ●Reading
ㅑ             야                 "ya"
ㅕ             여                 "yeo"
ㅛ             요                  "yo"
ㅠ             유                  "yu"
ㅒ             얘                  "yae"
ㅖ             예                  "ye"
ㅘ             와                  "wa"
ㅙ             왜                 "wae"
ㅝ             워                  "wo"
ㅞ             웨                  "we"
ㅟ             위                  "wi"
ㅢ             의                  "ui"

Ten Double-Vowels symbols are made of either adding one more stroke to some above basic vowels symbols or combining some basic vowel symbols together.For instance, The following six double-vowels symbols are results of adding one more stroke (adding the 'y' sound) to the first six vowel above (e.g. adding a stroke to "ㅏ"  "a", you get "ㅑ" "ya")

Another four vowels symbols are made up of combining some of the basic vowel symbol together (e.g. combining "ㅗ" "o" and "ㅏ" "a" produce "ㅘ" "wa")

Vowel ● Name● Reading
ㅘ             와               "wa"
ㅝ             워               "wo"
ㅙ             왜               "wae"
ㅞ             웨                "we"

Notice that the above four double-vowels symbols have the 'w' sound.

You may wonder whether other vowel symbols can be combined. However, there are vowels symbols that cannot be combined together.For instance, "ㅗ"does not cimbines with "ㅓ" or "ㅔ" whereas "ㅜ" does not combine with "ㅏ" or "ㅐ". The reason is attributed to the Korean vowel harmony principles.

Hi readers I hope you enjoy it Just memorize every single vowels and then we will proceed to the Consonants. Please don't forget to Vote Thankss

Dafie ❤

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