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Hi again readers :)) Yeah, I'm here again. Sorry for the long update. Now, our lesson for this chapter is all about consonants.Hangul has 19 consonants symbols but these consonants divided into two groups.The Mono Consonant and Dual Consonant.Learn these hard or memorize it if you have a time. Proceed below ---->


Hangul Letter
ㄱ g/k
ㄴ n
ㄷ d/t
ㄹ l/r
ㅁ m
ㅂ p/b
ㅅ s
ㅇ ng
ㅈ j
ㅊ ch
ㅋ k
ㅌ t
ㅍ p
ㅎ h
ㄲ kk
ㄸ tt
ㅃ pp
ㅆ ss
ㅉ jj

Mono Consonant

Consonant Reading

ㄱ g/k
ㄴ n
ㄷ d/t
ㄹ l/r
ㅁ m
ㅂ p/b
ㅅ s
ㅇ ng
ㅈ j
ㅊ ch
ㅋ k
ㅌ t
ㅍ p
ㅎ h

▶Dual Consonant

Consonant Reading

ㄲ kk
ㄸ tt
ㅃ pp
ㅆ ss
ㅉ jj


Hi :) This is all the consonants. Try to memorize it. Sorry for the short chapter. Actually, I have no time because I am so busy but I am making time to do a chapter for you guys ❤

Love Lotss
Dafie ❤

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