Combining the Consonants and Vowels

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Hi there . I decided to write this chapter now because I have no work today ☺ This lesson is so hard if you are not memorized the consonants and vowels.So, I'm telling you guys to memorize it and practice it how to write. Don't acted like a stranger. Feel free to comment if you have some questions. Proceed below

How to combine consonant with vowel symbol

The basic unit of Korean letter is a syllable. In other words,a complete Korean written letter must have least one consonants and a vowel symbol. The combinations of the vowels and consonant symbol are fivefold.

▶One Vowel Sound

A symbol consist of only one vowel sound (e.g. Like English "a") although the letter pronunciation is consisted of only one vowel pronunciation like "a" (without any spoken consonant) , you still need to start the syllable with a consonant symbol to make the letter complete.For this purpose,you use a Korean consonant "ㅇ"

The use of the "ㅇ" symbol special in that it is used as zero-value consonant when it appears before a vowel.It functions as a place holder in a word-initial position, so that the letter should be written in Korea as "아" (not "ㅏ"). Lets us take another example.

Writing a letter for the sound "yo" should look like "요" not "ㅛ". Again although the letter begins with the vowel pronunciation "yo" (without any spoken consonant),you still have start to zero -value consonant "ㅇ" to make it a complete letter, as in "요"


Vowel:ㅏ(a)--ㄱ+ㅏ=가 (ga)

Vowel: ㅗ (o)-- ㄱ+ㅗ= (go)

Vowel: ㅣ (i)--ㄱ+ㅣ=기 (gi)
ㄴ+ㅣ=니 (ni)
ㄷ+ㅣ=디 (di)


Consonant : ㄴ (n)-- ㄱ+ㅏ+ㄴ=간 (gan)

Consonant: ㅁ (m)--
ㄱ+ㅗ+ㅁ= (gom)

Consonant: ㅇ (ng)-- ㄱ+ㅣ+ㅇ=깅(ging)

As the above examples clearly show, Han-geul with only 5 consonants and 3 vowels, is capable of expressing virtually any sound.The Korean Language has well-developed and expansive vocabulary, and therefore, it is very difficult to express fully in foreign letters.However, due to it's scientific design,it is quite easy to approximate the sounds of foreign words in the Korean Alphabet.Following are some examples of English words expressed in Han-geul.

●English Hangul

I am a girl= 아이엠어
Good morning=걸굿모닝

In particular,because of it's simplicity and the rather small number of letters, Han-geul ie very easy to learn even by foreigners.This fact clearly attests to the easy learnability and accessibility of the Korean Alphabet.

Hi readers Im's so happy today because 5 people chat me just now to update. And yeah, they also request me to write some words written in Hangul and it's meaning. Tomorrow I will update really soon to practice your pronouncing.Please Vote for me

Love Lotss


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