*Random Facts*

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Hi guys, :)) This is some Random Facts about Korean Culture. This is a request from my chingu XD Okay, please enjoy and proceed below ------>

▶Do you know why many people wants to learn a Korean Language or Hangul?

▶Many foreigner wants to learn Hangul because of the huge influence of Korean industry.Many prople around the world are fans of Kpop or Korean Pop.Kpop is very popular in Asia.

▶Many Koreans still avoid the number four (sa) since it has the same pronunciation as the word of death.Thus you will often find that Korean buildings will not have a fourth floor,or that the letter "F" replaces the number four.

▶Against the use of the left hand is seen by all Korrans as offensive.

▶Do not stick chopstick upright in rice, as this resembles the way incense in burned at funerals.

▶Bare feet are generally to be avoided.

▶Do not touch an adult on the head or even the shoulder.The same probation does not apply to children or youngsters,but on the whole it is best tom err on the side caution and avoid touching any Korean on the head.

▶Koreans emphasized respect for the elderly.

▶To show respect to the ederly and those senior in years is highly regarded.


Hi guys Hope you like this chapter even it's fucking short Hahahaha. I'm just immigrated here in Korea again.Because I know that Korea is the best place this summer *.* Hahaha. Bye fuys. See ya

Love Lotsss

Dafie ❤

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