Nouns (Part 1)

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1.Formation Of Nouns

There are three components that constitute Korean nouns: native Korean words,Sino-Korean words and loan words.Generally speaking,Korean nouns can be comprised  of either  a single morpheme or meaningful such as 나무 "tree" ,산 "mountain",새 "bird",물 "water", or multiple morphemes.


A combination of several single morphemes such as 화산 "volcano" which is 화 "fire" + 산 mountain= 화산 "volcano".

The word 소고기 "beef" which is 소 "cow" +  고기 "meat"= 소고기 "beef"

Nouns consisting of more that two morphemes are normally formed through either a derivational or a compounding process.The derivational formation takes an affix (Ecample: either prefix or suffix) which normally appears in a noun and/or a predicate (Example: a verb and/or an adjective).Prefixes refer to the affixes that appear before the word,whereas suffixes refer to the affixes that appear after the word.

A/N:Okay, So... I decided to publish a very short chapter because I am busy with my school work right now.If you think that this chapter is not that detailed then feel free to post a message at my limeline or private message me :)) The next chapter is the components of nouns.Feel free to throw me cucumbers because of being a late updater author.XD Lol,I hate cucumbers.Maybe my long lost brother is Got7 Youngjae XD.Hahaha! He hates cucumber too.Lol, so anyway please follow/add me on:






Dafie Daffey Juan

Okay,it's up to you if you will stalk me and find my place to kill me XD Hahaha. Omg! I am being such a wierd here XD

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