Nouns (Part 2)

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Components Of Nouns

■Derivational Prefixes:

•Native Korean Prefix

맏아들 "the first son"

=맏 "first" + 아들  "son"

맏딸 "the first daughter"

=맏 "first" + 딸 "daugther"

•Sino-Korean Prefix

신한가 "a new semester"

=신 "new" + 한가 "semester"

신인 "a new comer"

=신 "new" + 인 "person"

■Derivational Suffixes

•Native Korean Suffix

장사꾼 "business man"

=장사 "business" + 꾼 "doer"

일꾼 "worker"

=일 "work" + 꾼 "doer"

•Sino-Korean Suffix

한슥학 "Korean studies"

= 힌극 "Korea" + 학 "study"

수학 "mathematics"

=수 "numbers" + 학 "study"

•Nouns derived from verbs

벌이 "income"

=벌 "earn" + 이 "act"

먹기 "eating"

=먹 "eat" + 기 "act"

•Nouns derived from adjectives

크기 "size"

=크 "big" + 기 "quality"

길이 "length"

=길 "long" + 이 "quality"

As seen above,derivation is a useful way to understand how a word can be developed into another word with an affix,which carries an additional meaning.On the other hand,compound nouns consist of two or more independent morphemes.They are divided into native and Sino-Korean conpound nouns.However,I advice you to learn so many phrases or words to really understand the meaning og the word or you can divide the syllables into two or more and translate it to English to be able to understand.

A/N:Hey ;) Two chapters in a day :* Hahahaha! That because I am gone (again) for a weeks or maybe months because I am currently studying for my exams.I really hope you understand my situation :)) Don't you dear to throw me cucumbers or give me a perfume with a scent of it because I am seriously going to die if you do.I feel I'm going to vomit only thinking about cucumbers' tastes.Lol, I never eat that kind of food XD Okay, I am being so childish here.

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