It took you 10 months

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"ROBERT WAIT" Andy started screaming. Robert slowed down a bit after hearing her but kept walking. She continued "I love you Robert and i've been a shitty wife to you the last 10 months. It took me so long to realize why i have been struggling to let our fight go. I talked to Diane she really got to me, i called a counselor to help me work through this."

Robert turned around to look at her he saw the tears in her eyes, it took everything in him not to run to her and pull her close to tell her it's all going to be okay and he will stand by her side no matter what. Instead he pulled himself together looked in her eyes "Andy i am your husband why did it take you 10 months and a conversation with Diane to realize we both have problems and trauma's that still effect our lives. Am i not enough for you? Are you scared to open up to me? I'm glad that you realized you need to talk to someone i'm sorry i wasn't enough of a husband for you". Emotion lacing his voice.

Andy's heart broke at the sight in front of her knowing it was all her fault. "Robert, it was never you that wasn't enough. I ran away from you and everybody who loves me, i have been doing that my whole life. I take things way too personal and get trapped in anger and close off. I haven't figured it all out yet. But let me be clear i never NEVER doubted your love for me and you have been the best husband i could've asked for. You were there when i found out about papi's cancer, you helped me let go of the anger when he decided he didn't wanted to get treatment, you took days off to cuddle and be there for me while i cried after he died and so much more. Robert you have always been my rock and i never doubted that you were in my corner and it pains me to see you doubting your husband skills. I know sorry isn't enough for the damage that i've done. I wanted to let you know that i won't go down without a fight." She tears the divorce papers and throws them on the ground. "I love you and i will do everything i can to get you back and be the wife you deserve i'm willing to finally have our fight if you're still willing to give me another shot."

10 months later Robert finally heard the words he so desperately needed to hear, he was taken back by her honesty and to be honest lost faith in their marriage in the months prior. Even after everything that has happend between them and while apart she was still his wife. If it was his choice she would always be. After 10 months he finally saw a glimpse of the woman he fell in love with again, ready to fight for what she wants and who she loves. Still in thought he took a few steps forward opening his arms hoping she would make the first move. Andy looked at him  and hesitated at first until she saw the complicated love in his eyes. She ran into his arms and finally afer almost a year she was in the arms she longed for, the one she loves, her safe place again. A sigh of relief left her with all the build up emotion of today and last months. 

Robert held her so tightly scared she was going to run away again like she did so many times before.  Losing track of time they stood there hugging each other. Eventually Robert moved one of his hands to her chin nudging her to look up to him. Seeing the tearstains on her face. "Andy you're my wife and i hope you always will be. But if we are going to start moving forward i need to have the fight, i need better communication, no more seperations or running away. I want dates and i want us to take our time this time." His hand found its way to her cheek as one of his fingers traced her lower lip as he held her gaze. "I need to know you want this too" Andy took a deep breath gazing up to her husband before answering. "I want that Robert, babe i want long talks, dinner dates, growing old together i want it all as long as you're there by my side." 

Roberts lips curled up hearing those words "i would very much like to kiss my wife if that is okay with her." She nodded slightly, feeling his breath on her lips she felt the anticipation grew in her belly. His hands found her cheeks as he kissed her softly. Wishing she could freeze time and stay here forever all she could do was enjoy the warmth of his lips on hers again. Andy couldnt help letting out a soft moan against his lips feeling all the love he poured into the kiss. Before she realized this wasnt one of her messed up dreams but this was truly happening Roberts lips left hers. Eyes still closed she enjoyed even the slightest touch of their foreheads. Opening her eyes she pinched his cheek. Robert looked at her confused before he let out a little laugh. "I'm sorry i just had to make sure this is really happening" Her lips found his again biting his lip softly asking him to open up to her. The kiss heated up quickly. Neither realized how much they missed each other and the touch of their partner until now. The feeling of their tongues reunited and his hands gripping her waist overwhelmed her leaving her feeling flustered. They forgot that they were still standing in the middle of the station until they heard a loud cheer coming from downstairs. Confused they looked where the noise was coming from and saw their team cheering and started laughing. Andy buried her head in his chest hiding her flushed cheeks as his strong arms held her close. 

"Shift just ended" travis said "and as much as we love PDA at work i think i speak for all of us that we did not expect to walk in on this." They all started laughing and walked out the barn leaving Andy and Robert alone.

After a couple minutes of silence Andy asked "Do you want to talk somewhere a bit more private? I have to take care of Pru but maybe you can meet me there. Dean isn't home and we still have a lot to talk about."  Robert gave her a quick peck on her lips "Ofcourse, i'll see you there!"

They had a lot to work on and talk about but is their willingness enough to keep them together? 

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