Are you sure about that?

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The writing muze is back again. hope y'all enjoy this chapter
30 days till our fave divorced couple is back on our screens #surreracountdown

Pru wakes up in the middle of the night with another nightmare. she grabs one of her stuffed animals and walks towards Andy's room. She walks into her aunties room and walks over to her bed. Pru tried to wake her up "Annie, Annie, I need you" She was trying to hold back her cries when her little hands found Andy's arm trying to shake her awake. "Hmm?  Pruey?" Andy opened her eyes and adjusted to the dark room. She saw Pru standing in front of her hugging her stuffed animal with teary eyes. "Oh Pru, are you okay? Did you have another bad dream?"  Pru nodded at her "can i sleep here with you?"  Andy smiled at her and moved the blanket so she could join. "Ofcourse you can, but we have to be very quiet so we don't wake up uncle Robert." Pru nodded again and  Andy moved back a bit finding Robert. She knew he wasnt asleep but didnt want to interupt. She felt Robert press a kiss on the crook of her neck as he pulled her closer making more room for Pru next to Andy. "Good night my love" Andy gave Pru a kiss on her forehead while she was playing with her hair. "night Annie" A sleepy Pru answered seconds before starting to snore. Andy held back a giggle and enjoyed the comfort and safety she hadnt felt in a long time and quickly fell asleep again.

A few hours later Pru woke up and started mumbling to Andy about being hungry. "How about we have a little breakfast in bed party?" Pru smiled brightly as she left the bed as she started to run excited to the kitchen. Andy gave Robert a kiss on his cheek and put the blanket over him so he was fully covered.

"Annie can we make some waffles?" She asked in her sweetest voice "That sounds delicious maybe we can even add some blueberries to them" Pru grabbed her little stool and stood on it so she could help Andy make the batter "Annie we need some chocolate chips too!" Andy made the waffles and let Pru decorate them however she liked. Children are so resillient she seemed to have forgotten her nightmares and was just excited about the little things in life. sometimes she wishes she was like that too. Moving forward from trauma and enjoy life to the fullest no matter what. "Annie look i made a smiley do you think uncle Robert would like it?" Andy's heart melted as she realized Pru was warming up to Robert. "It's gorgeous, you did so well! he'll love it "  Pru smiled proudly and ran back to the kitchen counter where she continued decorating the other waffles. Andy looked at her as she sipped on her coffee when she felt two strong arms around her waist pulling her close. "Good morning" she whispered while one of her hands carressed his arm. "good morning babe" he gave her a kiss on her cheek before grabbing her coffee. "Hey! i was drinking that!! Go make your own! You know how i get without coffee do you really want that?" Robert took one  large sip and handed it back quickly. "No no please no! i can't handle that please drink all the coffee you want. Let me know if you need more"  

"Uncle Robert!" Pru ran over to Robert almost natural he picked her up. "I made you waffles! it even has a smiley cause i like how you make auntie Annie smile" Robert looked back at Andy and they shared a little smile. "Did you make this Pru? They're the prettiest waffles i've ever seen." Pru nodded proud. "uncle Robert you know what would make our breakfast even better? If you help me make your famous smoothie Annie told me we could have a breakfast party in bed and we need smoothies for that!" Pru's look made Robert melt "Pretty please" She used her puppy eyes on him "How can i say no to a party? Lead the way"  "yay!" Pru jumped up and down having the best morning ever. "Now let's get this party started" Robert sat Pru down on the counter as he grabbed the ingredients and started making the smoothies with Pru. Andy was looking at the adorable sight in front of her and couldnt help but smile at them. She took a few pictures wanting to remember and cherish every second they spent together before joining them. 

They took the smoothies and waffles to Andy her bed and put on Moana while having their breakfast. After a little while of eating and laughing they heard the front door open. Pru gave Andy her plate as she ran over to the door as fast as she could.  "Daddy daddy! We are having a breakfast party, come join us!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him to Andy's room.  Dean walks in confused.  "Andy? Robert? what happend tot he big date i thought the babysitter was supposed to be here" Worried if something happend to the babysitter "Dean it's okay, the babysitter called me last night that  little miss here had nightmares and she couldnt calm her down. So here we are. There are waffles in the kitchen if you want to join us"  Dean mouthed I'm sorry feeling guilty that their big date was cut short because of his daughter. "It's fine. We'll have other dates don't worry she needed one of us and i'm happy i could help. No one should have to go throught nightmares alone." Andy smiled at Pru "Auntie Annie stayed with me till i was asleep. But i had another nightmare so i walked into Annies room and slept in the big bed with her and teddy and now we are having a party. Daddy, can auntie Annie and uncle have parties with me more often?" she asked looking at her daddy  "Thank you Andy for being there for her. Also Pruey maybe if you ask them very nicely they will!" Dean smiled already knowing how much they love spending time with Pru.  "uncle Robert, auntie Annie please?" Pru jumped on the bed and sat down inbetween them looking from her aunt to her uncle smiling  "We would love to have more parties with you Pru. They're the best parties." Robert answered laughing "Yes! more parties!" She gave Robert a big hug " Now what did i hear about waffles?" Dean asked as his stomach growled. "Daddy daddy i made you one with a heart on it" Pru grabbed his hand and ran tot he kitchen once again. 

"Where does she get that energy from i know it's not Dean that's for sure" Andy giggled. "Maybe it is the magic of being a kid who naps all day everyday. could be worth a shot" He admitted "So you're saying you want to spent the day in bed with me?" Andy flirted moving a little closer to him. "Hmm i was just talking about napping if you're nice you can cuddle up to me but that's all" He grinned enjoying the little tease "Are you sure about that?" Andy's hands found his face as she leaned closer feeling his breath on her lips as his hands found her waist. She looked up to him flirting as she bit her lips before moving away leaving him wanting her. "You're right cuddling up sounds nice" Her head found it's way to his chest again. "you're a tease" He let out  a laugh before his hand slowly found its way to her chin lifting it up to him. "Robert you know this only cuddles before marriage." Andy laughed both knowing damn well that was never a thing they would agree to. "Good thing we're already married. if i remember correctly you didnt seem to mind breaking the rules last night" Andy let out a huff  "ssshhh that is our little secret" She leaned closer and gave him a kiss enjoying the warmth and comfort of their bed,  blanket, his chest and his lips on hers.

"Hey lovebirds, i'm heading out to bring Pru to daycare." Dean yelled from the other side of the houseboat. Before one of them could answer they heard the door close.  "Wait! what time is it? If Dean is taking Pru to daycare already it's almost time for shift" Andy reached over to her bedstand looking for her phone "Guess time flies by when you're having fun" Robert gave her a kiss on her cheek as she was unlocking her phone. "Guess i'll be subbing at 19 today" She showed her text from Aquino to Robert who looked weirdly excited "well well well look who can't stay away after one date. Following me to work and all" 

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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