The hurt you carry

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Andy hurried back to Deans place. She has been staying there for around 2 weeks now.  She had to get Pru from kindergarten but wanted to make sure everything was tidy before Robert arrived. Andy changed into some ripped jeans with a black 't shirt sprayed on some parfume and pulled her hair out of her ponytail.

After she made sure everything was tidy and clean she left to get Pru. When Pru saw Andy she came running as fast as she could Andy took her in to a big hug and they walked to her car. While she was putting Pru in her seat she remembered how fast they got used to each other and had gotten used to a little routine together. Andy adored the little one so much. She got in the car and Pru started talking 'Annie (she had trouble calling her Andy) i  made a drawing of a rainbow for daddy do you think he wil like it? She showed Andy her drawing with so much pride and excitement that it melted Andy's heart a bit. 'It's so beautifull i'm sure he is gonna love it!' How much she would like to become a mother too one day, she knew that might not be an easy task considering what she went through.  They talked a bit about the new words she learned at school and they decided to listen to some disney music like they always do and had a little sing along in the car. 

'Annie can we please make some cookies' Pru asked as she walked through te door. 'Ofcourse we can  Pruey, what kind of cookies do you want?' 'Chocolate chip my favourite'.  'Pruey is it okay that uncle Robert stops by in a bit?' Andy asks 'Is uncle Robert  the one from the pictures on your phone and next to your bed ? ' Pru asked since she never really got to know Robert yet.  'Yes that would be your uncle Robert is that okay with you ?' Andy asked not wanting Pru to think he would be hijacking their girlsday.' 'Yes can we  make cookies now Annie?' That little girl was like Andy always ready for food. Andy smiled at her and sent a quick message to Robert that she just got to Deans with Pru and that they are gonna make cookies so when he arrives he can come in the door isn't locked. 'Let's go make some cookies now!' Andy said enthuisiastic and put on some music. 

Around 20 minutes later Pru and Andy put the cookies in the oven to bake. Everytime they have baked cookies together they always have a little danceparty untill the cookies are done. Andy turned the music up a little. 'Annie come dance!' Pru started dancing herself. Andy and Pru were dancing and jumping around when Robert arrived and stepped inside he took a good look at the sight in front off him. Andy and Pru were both laughing and dancing while covered in flour. He stood at the door for a couple of minutes just watching the two of them have fun and made sure to get a little video of them before Andy noticed him standing there. ' How long have you been watching us you could've joined our little dance party ' Andy laughed at him. ' I prefer to watch you should now that by now' Robert said to her with a little grin. She walked over and gave him a little peck owh how much she missed doing that.  At that moment the oven beeped to let them know the cookies are done,  Andy took them out of the oven to let them cool down. 

'Hey Pruey what do you want to drink?' 'Can i have some orange juice Annie?' Pru asked sweet she hasn't really noticed that Robert was already there. 'Do you also want some juice Robert?' Andy asked.  'Ofcourse thanks!' Andy walked to the couch with their drinks when she felt little arms around her legs. 'Pruey what is it?' Pru got shy around new people and was hiding behind Andy. 'Annie is that uncle Robert?' Pru whispered. 'Yes he is sweet pea should i introduce you to each other?' Pru kept standing behind Andy so she bend down and picked pru up. 'Pruey this is your uncle Robert, Robert this is Pru.' Robert bent down trying not to be scary and took pru her tiny hand and said 'It is so nice to meet you Pru!' Pru was still a bit shy so she gave a little smile before she cuddled further into Andy.

'You look like a natural with her, would you ever want one of your own?' Robert asked knowing that they never really had a conversation about this before. Andy froze a bit because of that question, was she gonna tell Robert about her miscarriage or should she wait till Pru was asleep. She decided to keep it silent at the moment. Andy was in her own world until robert touched her cheek Andy leaned into his hand. 'You kinda zoned out on me, are you okay?' He could see that his question got to her in a way he didn't expect, maybe she didn't want kids. 'Owh yeah i'm sorry, i would like to have kids someday in the future.' Andy Answered. 'Annie can i please have a cookie now ?' Pru asked not noticing she was the reason for a sudden subject change.  'Sure but don't tell daddy you got a cookie that is our secret.' They walked hand in hand to the kitchen 'Can you also grab a cookie for your uncle Robert and give it to him?' She was so happy with the cookies she run to Robert and gave him a cookie and sat down next to him. 'These are Annie and mines special cookies but don't tell daddy he doesn't like it when i eat to much sugar.' they both took a bite while Andy was watching their interaction from the kitchen. 'Did you really make these they are the best cookies i've ever eaten!' Robert told Pru. 'Yes me and Annie made them but i did the most of the work!' he smiled at her 'You really are the guy from Annies pictures when you smile!' Pru told Robert. 'I guess i am , wait what pictures?' He asked confused. 'Well auntie Annie has pictures of you on her phone and next to her bed. When she gets sad we look at the pictures together and she tells me stories. My favourite is the story of you saving her from a raccoon, raccoons are so cute!'They both laughed and started talking a little bit. It brought Robert comfort that Andy still had pictures of them together. After a while Andy joined them and Pru wanted to watch some disney so she was sitting on Andy her lap with an ipad and fell asleep after a couple of minutes. 'I'll take her to bed i will be right back' Andy told Robert walking away with Pru in her arms.

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