How could you?

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I'm sorry for the long wait. i'll try to publish more chapters soon :)

'Andy i saw him holding your hand. Please tell me he didn't put you as his emergency contact because he is the guy you slept with during our seperation.' Robert had to know. 'Robert i'm sorry but yeah he is...

Andy tried to grab Robert's hand but he didn't let her instead he looked at her with hurt and shock written all over his face. Never in a million years did he think that the guy she slept with was his boss. The boss who treated him and the team like crap. The guy who always looked at him with a smirk, at least now he know what that was about. 'Andy, how could you? Why didn't you tell me this earlier when i asked if you slept with Gibson or Ruiz?' Robert started rubbing his face out of frustrated. 'Robert, i'm sorry. I know it was wrong, it happend in the moment. I felt guilty ever since it happend, I told you this before.' She tried to hold his gaze but he looked away. 'But Andy it did happen and you should have told me that you slept with him! You didn't sleep with some random guy you met at the bar. I would still be hurt but not like this.  You slept with another firefighter who also is MY boss. How can i trust you when you keep hiding things for me?' He felt anger burning inside of him. For the fact that Beckett had used his wife when she was most vulnerable but also the fact that Andy didn't tell him before. 

'Robert please let me explain why i didn't tell you.' Andy started to feel helpless and tried to make contact. 'I really thought we got to the point of no more secrets when you told me about the miscarriage and that you slept with someone. Andy this is a big thing to hide. Are there any other things still hidden waiting on me to find out. I keep on trying to stay considerate because you went through a lot and i love you but you keep playing with my feelings, you keep hurting me more and more.' Robert took a deep breath and stood in front of her with his hands on his hips frustrated but mostly hurt. He tried to calm his voice and continued talking  'Did you even plan on telling me or were you waiting on me to find out myself? How can we take steps forward when you are not willing to open up and stop hiding. You made mistakes we both have but in a marriage you're supposed to share. Why can't you be honest? At this point I feel like i'm the one who truly is invested in changing as a couple. By hiding you act like a teenager. I'm not your father but your husband. We need to talk about our issues. I don't even know what else to say. Why him? ' He started to walk away 'Please I.... Robert there isn't anything else. I promise you!' Robert turned towards her and let out a sarcastic laugh ' Are you sure because i don't even know what to believe anymore. It feels like i'm getting hit blow after blow by things that happend the last 10 months..' Andy started tearing up, once again she hurt the one she loves because of her own mistakes. Why did she wait, if she had told him before he wouldn't be this mad would he?  'Robert can we please talk somewhere that isn't a hospital waiting room?' She tried one last time. 'Andy i need a minute..., i need a minute okay!' Robert walks to the door and exits the building getting to his car. Leaving a broken Andy behind alone in the hospital with Beckett. He started the car and drove home. 

A few minutes Andy stood frozen looking at the door. How the hell did she manage to mess up their marriage even more. She got out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulder. 'Herrera! i thought it was you. Why are you in the hospital are you okay?' Meredith asked concerned. Andy looked at Meredith and started venting not making much sense 'I got a call from the ER so i came here but then my husband and i got into a fight and i might have truly ruined my marriage for real this time. I hurt him so bad, what i did was wrong, so wrong . Why do i keep self destructing the best thing i have. How the hell am i gonna be able to fix this!' Andy started hyperventilating. 'Herrera focus! One bleeder at a time. Come with me.' Meredith grabbed her arm and walked into a empty hospital room and grabbed her some water. 'Tell me everything start with the call from the ER, who got injured?'

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