A few steps my way

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Sorry for the long wait between updates! I'll try to update more regulary. This chapter begins immediately after the last chapter!
Hope you'll like this it's a very long one 🤍
3 more days till we have our favourite almost divorce couple back #surreracountdown

Andy's mind went over every possible oppurtinity who that woman could be. She hated her own chaotic mind for thinking the worst. What if he had a date or hook up after their fight? He wouldn't right? She couldn't blame him for that though if he had especially not after all he horrible decisions. Andy started hyperventaling she tried to calm herself down by taking a few sips of water but couldnt help looking at his house. She started shaking and managed to grab her phone, going through her contacts she decided to call Dean. He was the only one who knew about the fight about Beckettshe had with Robert. Well Dean and Meredith but knowing she was still on call and not one of her closest friends she called Dean. Andy started fidgeting her leg while waiting for Dean to pick up. 'Hi Andy! How did it go? You went to Robert right?' Dean answered the phone curious. 'He is with another woman.' Andy stuttered 'Wait can you repeat that cause from what i heard you said that he is with another woman that can't be right.' He heard Andy taking a few deep breaths before answering his question 'I'm sitting in my car in front of his house. I was ready to fight and confess my love for him. When i finally got the courage to open up my car door i looked up to his house.  I saw Robert's door open and a woman was leaving his place. She was good looking and looked like his type i think.'  Dean was shocked by Andy's words. 'No way! What happend after?' Still fidgeting her leg and trying to stop tearing up she answered  'She walked to her car while Robert waved at her saying 'Thanks for dropping by! I'll call you for our next appointment. Drive safe! and he got back into his house. What kind off appointment, she looked kind of familiair but we had a date planned so can't be a appointment he made before. Also why does he need a next appointment.' Andy started freaking out. 'Andy you make it sound like he called an escort after your fight. Come on you don't really think he would. Robert is a classy guy i would be surprised if he did. Breathe Andy i'm positive that mind of yours is making everything worse.' He tried to calm her 'YES DEAN OFCOURSE IT IS! my mind is playing tricks on me. I didn't expect to see him with another woman at HIS place. What if i was already walking on his driveway when she left.' She looked back at the closed door of his house.  'Andy i need you to breathe, you're starting to freak me out. I know this all looks bad but knowing Robert and how much he loves you i bet there is a simple explanation who that woman is and why she was at his place. What are you going to do?' He still couldn't imagine Robert cheating on Andy it must be something else.  'I don't know what i should do? What if he wants to move on? What if this fight was the one that truly ended our marriage and there is no way back from this? I hurt him so badly.' Andy started crying. 'Andy did he say that?' 'No'  she whispered. 'The only thing he said was that he needed time, right?' Dean tried to calm her down  'Yes' Andy answered still whipsering 'Andy the only thing you know now is that you had a fight he needed some time and you saw a mystery woman at his place. I think you should do what you intended to do when you first got there and fight for him.' Dean really didn't know what she needed at this moment. He tried his best to be the friend who was there for her no matter what. 'You really think i should?' she asked insecure  'Yes Andy you got this! If he doesn't want to talk you call me and i will pick up your fave alcohol and cereal. Whatever happends Andy you are so strong don't you forget that. Now get your ass out of the car and fight for him.' Andy smiled listening to her friend. 'Thanks Dean!' 

For the second time that day she looked in her mirror cleaning up the left over mascara with some make up wipes while she managed to stop crying. Before opening the car door she took a few deep breaths. Andy started to walk slowly to his house. In the middle of the driveway of what he always called their house her mind kept reminding her of the fight earlier that day. she kept hearing Robert's voice 'I keep trying to stay considerate because you went through a lot and i love you but you keep hurting me more and more.' she would never forget the hurtfull look and tears in his eyes. 'Andy i need a minute.. i need a minute okay!' Shaking her head she felt the tears well up in her eyes again. She knows what she wants but he needs time right? He told her that. Her thoughts went from I need to fight for my man to i'm not in the right headspace to have a relation defining fight.  Andy quickly turned around and ran back to her car. Like Robert needed earlier that day she also needed a breather right now to calm down. She did the only thing that would calm the chaos in her head. Starting her car she drove to her favourite bar in town and ordered a few shots of tequila. 

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