Please take care of her

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Andy wakes up with sunlight on her face coming through the curtains. She tries to turn around to try to get some more sleep without the sun in her face but feels something or rather someone blocking her. She is starting to wake up a little more and feels two strong arms spooning her  tightly. She smiles at the sight of his arms wrapped around her middle. They used to wake up most morning like this wrapped in each others embrace. Even though they have so much more to discuss she feels a bit relieved that she told him about her miscarriage. She caresses his arms lightly and snuggles more into him and closes her eyes once more to enjoy the warmth and comfort she feels at this moment.  She wakes up around half an hour later when she feels Robert stir behind her. 'Good morning' she said to him with a sleepy voice. 'Good morning babe' Robert answers he moves her hair a bit and gives her a little kiss on her neck. 'I missed waking up next to you i haven't been able to sleep that well in our bed since you left. 'Robert tells her honestly. She turns around in his arms and looks up to him.  'I missed you so much my body hurts sometimes i had to fight every instinct i had these last months not to run back into your arms' She watches him closely and holds his gaze and gave him a kiss. She intended it to be  just a chaste kiss but soon she felt his hand travelling from her neck to her hair holding her in place. The kiss was messy and full of lust and the complicated love they were both feeling. Both needed the reminder that the person in their arms truly was the one they longed for. He pushed her back a little so she was now laying on her back, he moved his kisses from her lips to her neck and shoulder she couldn't stop moving beneath him and let out a small giggle. He kissed her lips again even deeper this time, they were relearning what their partner liked and wanted to memorize everything again. Andy softly pushed Robert from her with her hand on his chest. 'Robert babe i know that this is a really good way to keep our minds of our issues but shouldn't we first figure out how and if we can move along.' She said slightly out of breath with her heart beating like crazy. How she wanted to continue! This was going against everything that she was feeling every fiber in her body told her to continue and finally get lost in each others embrace. But it wasn't right they couldn't ignore their issues and fights by them having their hot and steamy way with each other.  'And also there is a very big chance that if we continue we'll be heard by Dean and Pruey and i kinda promised him that that wouldn't happen.' she started laughing. 'You are right we better not piss Dean off' Robert told her laughing and gave her a kiss on her cheek. 

'So what do you want for breakfast?' She asked getting out of bed. 'I can make you a smoothie just not as good as the ones you make.' she smiled at him. 'If  you show me where everything is then i'll make them i know you and your smoothie making skills. Well to be honest i can't even call them skills.' He teased and was about to leave the bedroom. 'Uhm Robert shouldn't you put on a shirt?' she asked him grinning a bit taking in his body he truly looked like he just walked out of a magazine.  'Wouldn't be the first time Dean saw me without a shirt.' He told her kinda embarrassed they walked to the kitchen.  'Hi Dean where is Pruey?' As soon as Andy stopped talking she heard little feet running towards her 'ANNIE i missed you' She hugged Andy 'Hi Pruey do you want a smoothie?' Pru nodded excited 'I'll let you in on a little secret your uncle Robert makes the best ones maybe you can help him?' 'Yes ofcourse me and uncle Roberet are gonna make the best smoothies you've ever had.' She run excited to Robert 'Hi Pru' He picked her up and placed her on the counter 'Hi uncle Robert! Annie told me you needed some help with making smoothies!' Robert smiled at her and quickly looked over to Andy 'She's right so Pru what do you think we should put in the smoothies ?' Andy smiled looking at them interacting and walked over to Dean. 

'I'm so sorry you walked in on this mess yesterday. I didn't plan on falling asleep on the couch let alone with Robert there with me.' she told Dean blushing a bit. 'It's all good Herrera i'm glad you two are talking again, also our walls are very thin so i'm so glad i didn't hear any noises coming from you and fire zaddy.' He said while punching her arm lightly they started laughing. Soon Pru and Robert walked over to them with smoothies. They all drank their smoothies. Dean had to take Pru to kindergarten so they left. 'Do you want to talk some more?'  Robert asked after just enjoying each others company in a comforable silence 'Yes we need too, maybe not here. Dean will be back soon and i don't want him eavesdropping.' 'Our place?' Robert asked. 'Yes let's do our place' They left  together in Roberts car. 

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