Your name is John Egbert. You're six years old, physically mute, and it's way past your bed time. It's April 13, and your dad is letting you stay up late to run around and have a good time today. Maybe he would have stayed outside, too, if the fire alarm didn't go off from one of his cakes burning. Nice one, dad.
A six-year-old alone in a yard at night....what good's supposed to happen? Your eyes big with wonder, you find yourself poking at a fat, pretty caterpillar that's crawling on a blade of grass, making the grass tip-over. You hardly notice the shadow of a red cloaked figure seemingly appear right next to you.
The figure crouched down next to you, and this is when you can see its image in your perithial vision and stop trying to coo the caterpillar onto your finger. You turn, wide blue eyes shining through your glasses.
This being was tall, probably around sixteen or so, and had platinum blond hair, sunglasses that did a good job at covering his eyes, and pale skin with many freckles dusting his fair cheeks. This being, however, had some strange features as well. For starters, their K-9's were bigger and sharper than the rest, and his ears were slightly longer and came to a point. You probably wouldn't have noticed his ears if it wasn't for how his hair had been messed up.
You stared in fine amazement. This guy was extremely fascinating.
The blond ran his tongue over his teeth, slightly swiping the bottom of his upper lip as he did so. A hiss came from his mouth as he sucked in air. Then his lips drew back, showing his fangs, and for some unknown reason fear grips your stomach and your first instinct is to run back into the house for safety. But you can't, your legs won't carry your weight, let alone pick you off of the ground.
If your vocal chords worked, you would have screamed, but since they can't work at all, you manage to cover yourself with your hands and arms as the fanged blond lunged for an attack, but his attack ceased in the last second with a look that is possible to make out as concerned, even with those stupid glasses.
The teen bit his lip, then proceeded to lean in carefully, this time covering his fangs. Some kind of sense of security settled in you, but you still can't let the fear go that this one could kill you. "Are-are you okay?" The creature stuttered, his red cloak being lifted to cover half of his face, but it fell quickly to the base of his neck.
You nod, your little six year old heart beat exhilarated.
"Sorry. I'm kind of hungry, and it's best if I eat humans. I've done this before, killed, I mean, but there's something about you...."
Ummmmm, eat humans? Dad, please put the cake-fire out now to save your tiny ass before the attractive thing eats you alive!
"I'm Dave, by the way. What's your name?"
You slowly and shakily use your hands to sign out the letters, for "John" before Dave realizes what you're doing and says for you to stop.
"Sorry, I can't read sign-language, bro." He pats you on the head, sweetly, I might add, messing up your already messy hair. By now, his fangs have rounded out and shrunk like a movie-vampires would, and his ears have also gone to be human like as well. But his shades still stayed on. You think he forgot that they were there.
You put your hands down and pick up a stick, and start doodling in the dirt. You're still young, so you can't write much, so you don't. You just draw squiggles.
"You're probably wondering about what I am, but I don't quite think that you'll understand me now." The shaded trespasser had his head lifted towards the stars. "But anyway, I'm practically just a monster. More specifically, a demon with some ghoul mixed around. But my demon half is dominant."
You nod, kind of understanding what he meant, but you can't really picture this guy as one of those cartoon devils.
"You're an interesting one, kid, but I dont know why-"
"John?" Your dad's voice called from the house, cutting Dave's words off. You turn your head over to the door, your fathers silhouette standing in the doorway. "Come in now, buddy!" He called across the yard as he began walking towards you.
You glance back to look at the monster boy, but he's already absconded out of there. Bye-bye to you, too, you guess.
As your dad crosses the lawn and picks you up, you scan the area for your new friend, but you think that you can only just barely see him down the road, next to another figure. But it's too far away to tell.
You wish you knew more words to sign, mainly to tell your dad about what had just happened, but since you're still learning, you guess that maybe you should tell him when you're older.

The Monster and the Mute [JohnDave]
FanfictionJohn Egbert is just a normal boy without a voice, and his life is suddenly changed when he becomes the target of a blood-thirsty Dave Strider, who's interest becomes peaked after nearly killing the little one, and a bromance begins between the two...