The king likes Men

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TechnoBlade X Dream

Royal Au

TechnoBlade the soon-to-be king of Sleepy Kingdom was being forced to marry someone. He never wanted to be forced to marry anyone! But his father Philza wasn't giving him a choice. Techno was into men not women. " Phil you know men can also give birth!" Techno protested following his father down the long hall of their castle." Techno only 000.2% of men on the earth can give birth!" Phil yelled stopping dead in his tracks and looking over at Techno who was crossing his arms. " please... can we at least look?" Techno asked looking down at his shoes then back at Phil. After a long conversation, Phil finally sent out his men to look for a male spouse for his son. The men looked all over the kingdom, they even asked the sprites and fairies. But they had no idea. The men then came upon a small cottage, they knocked on the door." Hello?" the little lady said opening her door revealing 3 young girls and 1 young male. The girls were patching up some cuts and bruises on the boy. " Ma'am is he your son?" the guard asked looking at the lady." Yes, yes he's my son' the woman answered looking at the men then closing the door" can he give birth?" the guard Sapnap asked hoping for a yes so he could go home" Yes he gives birth why?" the women asked thinking there would be money involved" He will be taken to the castle and married to the King TechnoBlade," said another guard named George. The woman looked surprised, she excused herself for a little while going back into the house" Clay! pack your bags!" The lady yelled picking him up from the chair and pushing him up the stairs." WHY!?" Dream cried not wanting to leave" you being married to King TechnoBlade," She said clapping her hands

Dream sat in the carriage and looked out the windows and sighed. He wanted to stay in his cottage with his family. He soon arrived at the castle, being welcomed by guards, maids, butlers, and even townspeople. He walked into a room with miles of food and sweets. he was in awe, Dream had never seen anything like this before. He ate a large meal, then the maid Becky cleaned and patched his cuts and gave him a bath. Then she showed Dream Techno's room." Go on in King Techno doesn't bite" She said opening the door for Dream"g-good night Becky" Dream said then closed the doors, walking to the bed." Knock anything over and I will kill you" Techno said sitting up from his big bed. Dream got starteld and jumped when TEchno spoke. But he obeyed and climbed into bed with Techno." You never told me your name" Techno said pulling blankets over Dream and himself" I-I'm Clay...but I do prefer Dream..." Dream mumbled mentally slapping himself for stuttering" Heh your stutter is cute Dream" Laughed Techno closing his eyes

Dream woke up feeling a strong arm around his hips. He nudged his head into Techno's chest when he heard someone walk into the room." rise and shine King Techno and soon to be KIng Dream" Becky said smirking when she saw the two cuddlings" morning Becky" said Techno opening his eyes and starting to rub Dream's back" You two have a busy schedule today" She said leaving a pair of clothes for each male" Dream opened his eyes and sat up facing the window were he saw fairies and some blossoming trees" These might be a little big on you" Techno said handing Dream an outfit. Dream hated to be picky but still asked" Do you have any skirts or dresses by any chance?" Dream looked down embarrassed hoping he wouldn't get yelled at"of course! My little sister loved wearing dresses one second!" Techno ran out of the room looking joyful. Dream examined the bruises on his body from the day before, he looked around for bandages, there in the bathroom was a box of bandages Dream grabbed and sat on the bed bandaging himself up. TEchno walked back into the room with a dress and heels" sorry about the heels she never really had flat shoes

"Thank you Techno," said Dream grabbing the clothes and walking to the bathroom. Dream put the dress on and a pair of long white socks and then the heels. He then walked out of the room and sat on the bed waiting for Techno. Techno was wearing his red cape with fur on the edges because winter was near, and his white dress shirt and black dress pants, he also grabbed a little cardigan for Dream on his way out. They walked down the stairs to be greeted by Philza and Becky." Be careful boys" Phil said waving to them as they walked to the carriage seeing Tommy, Sapnap, and George. The three guards said hello and opened the doors for them.

They made stops all around the village. Then they sat down in a small forest and ate together, and well... they ditched the guards and carriage. They ran from them for about a good hour, then stopped at a frozen lake. They looked at each other and knew exactly what each other were thinking. Dream took his heels off and started running across the frozen lake, Techno not far behind. They realized the sun was gonna set soon and they were in the middle of no were." Hey, look!" Yelled Dream pointing to the castle. They walked to the castle and saw Phil, George, Sapnap, Tommy, and now Wilbur...they knew they were in trouble when Wilbur was there. " TECHNO!" Phil yelled obviously pissed off with them." We didn't mean to run that far Phil..." Techno said stopping in front of Phil" Don't you EVER do that again!" Phil yelled as a crow landed on his shoulder. Techno and Dream walked away to their shared room." It's too late for Becky, wanna take a bath with me?" Asked Techno to start the tub and take his cape off. Dream thought for a moment. "okay" Dream finally answered taking his shoes and socks off. They then sat in the tub together, Dream loved the new feeling of warm water. Techno washed Dream's hair than his own, after a little while Techno looked down and saw Dream sleeping. Techno emptied the bath and slowly picked Dream up trying not to wake him." mhn?" Dream moaned into Techno's bare chest when Techno put a pair of boxers onto Dream." Shh, it's okay head back to bed" Techno hushed slipping one of his shirts onto Dream's feminine upper body. Techno placed Dream on the bed and slipped the covers onto him. Techno left the room as he put his shirt on. He walked down to his father's room and knocked on his door." come in Techno." Phil said in a stern voice. Techno opened the door and stood next to his father's desk" I'm sorry about earlier, Dream and I were having so much fun we wanted to do something on our own Phil" Techno said thinking about the 'adventure' he had with Dream." I'm very glad that you found your spouse mate, just don't wander off like that, y'know there's a war going on in different kingdoms" Phil said walking over to Techno and giving him a hug" good night Phil" Techno said giving Phil a hug back" Night mate," Said Phil breaking the hug so Techno could go. Techno left the room and walked back to his room where Dream was sleeping alone.

My Hands hurt...A lot! Vote if you want a part 2!!


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