Their Blob

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Dream gets self-conscious when people start talking about his body and weight after Techno bet him in their battle


Self-conscious Dream

Short Dream


Everyone was at the arena, Eret, Ranboo, Sam, everyone. They all were there to watch Dream battle Techno, They started placing bids on each." C'MON DREAM!" Sapnap yelled waving his money in the air. Dream shook his head in laugher,  He walked out with his fishing rod. TEchno walked out with an axe in hand.

Techno helped Dream off the floor, then walked to the others." Cough it up bee boy," Tommy laughed waiting for the $50 Tubbo owd him" You did a great job Dream!" Karl said patting his back," Thanks Karl" Dream laughed stopping in front of Sapnap and George" Hey love," Sapnap said rubbing Dream's back" You did awesome Dream!" George smiled kissing Dream's head, Dream smiled back and leaned into Sapnap" Hey we should go grab a couple of drinks" Techno said walking past everyone," What about us little children?" Tubbo asked walking after everyone else" Lemonade?" Ranboo suggested," I WHAT SODA!" Tubbo complained slouching over" No because I have to deal with you on the way back to snowcheaster" Ranboo said dragging Tubbo along" 

" Dream probably lost because of how small  he is," Tommy said counting the money he 'earned'" Yeah maybe, He does have to be superfit to wear all that neither armor to move around so elegantly though!" Fundy pointed out" Yeah, I guess, but Techno has more armor, the more nether the heavier it gets." Tommy said again slinging his shoulder over Dream. Sapnap saw Dream flinch when everyone started talking about his body, he went into protective mode" But Dream did really good though" Sapnap said trying to lighten the conversation for Dream

George grabbed Dream's hand and brought him over towards Sapnap and him" Hey wanna go home?" They both asked giving Dream a worried look. Dream shook his head and leaned into Sapnap's chest" Hey guys we're gonna head home to patch up Dream!" Yelled Sapnap Grabbing Dream's and George's hand" Bye!" They all yelled waving to the boys" Y'think they will have sex" Tommy asked looking at them walk-off" Tommy!" Bad yelled at the child

When Dream got home he locked himself in the bathroom." We can't let him do this anymore" George said standing up walking to the bathroom" I'll go first" Sapnap said grabbing a key that he got for the bathroom. They unlocked the door and saw Dream staring at himself without his shirt, He got scared when he saw Sapnap come into the room" Dream please, your beautiful in every way!" Sapnap said wrapping Dream in a tight hug while George did the same" Im...Not perfect, Sapnap...Im...UGLY!" Dream yelled crying into Sapnap's chest" Dream your perfect to me and George! I- WE love your body!" Sapnap yelled pulling George into the middle with George"...I don't like my body, I hate my stomach, my thighs, My everythinG!" Dream cried grabbing his stomach with one hand and thigh with the other" Dream! We love your stomach! I love that you are not a twig anymore, You healthy now your not underweight! We were worried then, George and I could barely sleep when you were in the hospital" Sapnap cried with George pulling Dream closer" Dream... Sapnap would barely talk to anyone until we got the call that you were alright" George smiled looking down to Dream" Dream we love your body Don't get me started on your thighs! I love your thighs when they run from mobs, I love your thighs when they tremble the morning after and you try to walk, I love your thighs when they tighten around my head when I eat you out, But mostly I love your thighs because of the body they're attached too!" Sapnap said gently pinching Dream's puffy thighs and kissing his head"... Remember when you and Tubbo got into that fight and you told him to Fuck off, then all the bee's got angry and stung you, Your whole body was swollen for the next 3 days" George said earning a laugh from the both" Yeah! I and George baby you because you couldn't move, and we kept rubbing ice on you so you would get better" Sapnap added rubbing Dream's lower thighs and picking him up"...My body was sore for the next week...and you guys said you loved my swollen body, you said it reminded you of a cloud" Dream smiled grabbing onto Sapnap's neck and holding on while he was carried

" Your Beautiful Dream no matter what," George said rubbing Dream's stomach and giving him a kiss" Who's ready to pig out?!" Sapnap yelled entering the room with snacks and candy" ME!" Yelled George and Dream with a smile" Okay, what are we watching?" sapnap asked laying next to Dream and hugging him tightly " Sapnap?" Dream mumbled laying his head on Sapnap's chest and tracing a star on it "yes my love?" Sapnap answered looking down to Dream and rubbing his head "thank you" Dream sniffled tears falling from his eyes as he blinked " shh..." Sapnap cooed rubbing Dreams cheek and whipping his tears

IM SO SO SOS SO SORRYYY my computor still isn't fixed so I have been using my tablet so it's hard to write for me but take this chapter as an apology for all of this

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