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" Dream your being really fucking annoying right now!" Sapnap yelled slamming his fist on to the counter, " I juzt asked a fucking question! " Dream yelled back staring Sapnap dead in the eyes " Dude! You already know the answer! No! Stop fucking asking!" Sapnap yelled pure angery and annoyance in his voice as he spoke " Fine! I just wont ask you anything again yhen sorry fucking pussy" Dream yelled storming off to their backyard " What the hell did you just call me?!" Sapnzp yelled stommping after Dream, Sapnap was pissed no one calls him a pussy and gets away with it. " you fucking heard me!" Dream yelled yanking the glass sliding door open " What the fuck is wrong with you! You peice of shit!" Sapnap yelled slamming the door closed so dream couldn't leave " Whats wrong with me!? ME?" Dream yelled shoving his finger into Sapnaps chest harshly but not enough to hurt him " guys stop fighting!" George said trying to break their fight up. " No! Hes not gonna call me a pussy and walk away George!" Sapnap yelled his eyes locking on Dreams as he grabbed onto his shirt collar. " dude let the fuck go!" Dream yelled  trying to pull Sapnaps hand of his shirt "Sapnap this is to far!" George yelled trying pull him away from Dream. Dream knew Sapnap wasn't gonna let go until He apologized for calling him a pussy, so he did what he never thought he could do, or well what he would hoped he wouldn't have to do. " DUDE! WHAT THE HELL!" sapnap yelled holding his nose as small drops of blood trickled out "...Don't grab me like that" Dream muttered walking up his stairs to his room. Sapnap was sitting on a chair with George, while dream was sitting in his room crying about what he just did to his best friend. 

George and Sapnap discussed stuff as Dream listend quietly trying not to cry when he heard Sapnap talk about him. " Sap.. You know Dreams been over whelmed lately " George said tears forming in his eyes slowly. " George you can come with me to, im just pissed with Dream right now. " Sapnap hissed packing his back and grabbing his phone charger "... uhm...ill go with you" George said slowly walkkng out to his room " ill pack some stuff" Georgw said walking to his room faster

"... Dream, Sapanp and I aare gonna stay at a hotel for a little while...stay safe..." George said as he knocked on Dreams door slowly"... Just go dont even say anything, leave" Dream barked hiding his quivering voice and sniffles " bitch" Sapnap mutterd as he walked passed Dreams door. Dream thought about yelling but then relized that would only make Sapnap and George more angry, so he just stayed quiet till they left.

George and Sapnap were at a Mc donalds drive theough getting some food, Sapnap kept getting calls from Dream he kept ignoring them, until one caught his eye. Sapnap knew qhat it ment and quickly called Dream " Hey Sap...just wanted to tell you im sorry for punching you, and yellkng" Dream mu bled his voice barly above a whisper " Dream, dont do anything stulid" Sapnap said worried about what dream was gonna say next." Dont worry Sap whT i did was very thought out" Dream said ending the call soon after he finishrd hix sentace " GEORGE WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Sapnap yelled pure worry in his voice " wait why?" George asked his eyebrows raising in concern " Dreams gonna kill himself" Sapnap said starinv George dead in the eyes 

Georgw and Sapnap pulled into the driveway, Sapnap jumped out the car running as fast as he could possible. Sapnap ran to Dreams room, he opend the door quickly and saw the unconscious blonde holding the pill bottle in his weak hand. " Dream!" Sapnap yelled slapping Dreams face to wake him up, soon he saw Dreams green eyes open slowly," how many did you take?" Sapnap asked tears forming in his eyes " mhmm" Dream mumbled his eyes closing slwoly again. " HOW MANY DID YOU TAKE DREAM!?" Sapnap yelled again shaking Dream to keep im awake " all of them" Dream mumbled attempting to situp but soon falling down since he was so weak " GEORGE CALL THE AMBULANCE!" Sapnap yelled straddling Dreams waist in between his legs, Sapnap choved his hand into Dreams mouth and started rubbing Dreams tounge, Dream tried to push Sapnaps hand away but was to weak thankfully. After a few gags Dream finally vomited up the brownish liquid with a groan. " hey, breath please stay with me." Sapnap pleaded grabbing Dreams hand and kissing it " c'mon Dream we've been best friend's for 7 years, please 7 isn't enough for me c'mon please! I love you! I fucking love you, i never told you because i was scared...please" Sapnap cried kissing Dreams cheek tears falling down his face " Dream...hey your gonna be okay" George said giving Dream a hug tears falling down his face also. The medics busted through the door They grabbed Dream and ran him to the ambulance leaveing Sapnap and George crying together.

•{ Hope you enjoy this chapter luv u! Pt 2 maybe }•

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