Blown up

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Yall will find out



Dream and Tommy were on their way to Techno's house. "Big D! look at me!" Tommy yelled as he jumped lilypad to lilypad." Heh cool Tommy" Dream laughed then took a bite of his bread" We should be there soon" Dream mumbled adjusting his mask to cover his eyes and forehead" Dream?" Tommy said throwing a rock" Yeah?" Dream answered looking at Tommy, Not that Tommy could see Dream staring at him" Why do you wear the mask?" Tommy asked shooting Dream a confused face" Uhm... To hide my face I guess" Dream mumbled slowing his pace. 

There was a quick silence until Dream yelled "TOMMY RUN!" Dream yelled seeing the creepers chasing them" HOLY SHIT!" Tommy yelled running, There were at least 15 of them chasing them. Tommy being the clumsy child he is tripped on a rock falling" SHit!" Dream muttered grabbing Tommy and throwing him farther away so he wouldn't get hit*BOOM* "Big D!?" Tommy Yelled looking back to so Dream lying on the snow motionless" HOLY SHIT!" Tommy ran towards Dream and saw the state he was in, The skin on his legs was blown off, he was bleeding pretty bad." SHit, SHit, Shit, SHIT!" Tommy yelled picking Dream up and running to Techno's house"TOMMY! STOP! ahHA" Dream groaned in pain as he started feeling the pain of his legs

"BIG T!" Tommy Yelled jumping the fence careful not to drop Dream" Tommy what are you doing?" Techno asked walking outside his house" Help me!" Tommy pleaded setting Dream into Techno's arms" WHAT HAPPENED!?" Techno yelled bringing Dream inside" c-creepers... they chased after us... I tripped Dream saved me" Tommy mumbled sitting next to where Techno set Dream" SHit, Tommy I have a healing potion in my chest okay grab it" Techno ordered as he grabbed ice and bandages for Dream's legs" Okay got it," Tommy said handing Techno the potion" Dream?" Techno said in a calming voice" he's going in and out of conciseness, I'm gonna have to give him the potion my hand" Techno said picking Dream's head up slightly and putting the potion in. "c'mon Dream takes it" Techno mumbled worriedly that Dream was gonna go unconscious. After a little while Dream started sipping the potion slowly, There was a sigh of relief leaving both males" T-Techn-Techno?" Dream mumbled slowly opening his eyes" I'm here Telotubbie" Techno said rubbing Dream's forehead slightly, TEchno soon began to wrap Dream's legs in bandages. 

" I'm not a pro at wrapping bandages or anything, so he's probably gonna have to stay with me until Phil's back," Techno said closing his bedroom door quietly" Okay, tell me when Dream's awake or something," Tommy said eating a golden apple" are those my gapples Tommy?" TEchno said trying so hard not to dropkick him out the window"...N-no" Tommy mumbled, switching it out with meat" Get out before I dropkick you into the sun Child!" TEchno whisper-yelled grabbing his orphan obliterate" Okay BYe Big T!" Tommy yelled running off

Techno sat on his chair next to Dream, cleaning his sword and stuff." Mhm?" Dream mumbled opening his eyes looking around" Morning Dreamie" Techno said looking over to Dream who was silent" W-what happened?"Dream asked slowly getting up from the bed" Ehh Tommy didn't explain much but he said that a bunch of creepers blow off the skin on your legs, so I bandaged them up" Techno Smiled rubbing his neck" T-thanks Techno" Dream smiled back laying back down.

Okay... So I know I said that I would post a lot more chapters over break but I got sick so I'm kinda taking a break. But take this one as an epilogue, MERRY CHRISTMAS/ or Hanukkah!

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