The King Likes Men PT2

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It's been 6 months since Dream came to the castle........

Techno crept around the castle to make sure Dream didn't see him, TEchno had to be stealthy. Dream was pregnant with their first child! Techno hasn't even proposed to him yet. The baby was meant to be after the wedding, but...Techno was excited that day...4 months ago they found out Dream was pregnant because he had weird cravings like pickles and horse reddish, and because they took him to see the witch, and she confirmed he was pregnant

" King Techno we have everything ready," Becky said running over to Techno who was sitting at the table while Wilbur, Sapnap, and George, was with Dream buying stuff for the baby" THANK YOU BECKY!!!" Techno yelled giving her a tight hug and running towards the carriage with joy

" Wilbur?" Dream asked walking over to the tall guard with a Green bib" Yes Dream?" Wilbur said looking over to the pregnant male" Look!" Dream said showing Wilbur the bib" Oh my god, This is gonna take longer than I thought" Wilbur laughed taking Dream over to the cribs and stuff" What type of wood?" asked Wilbur showing Dream the cribs for the baby" spruce?" dream said unsure" What about this one Dream?" Wilbur said showing Dream a spruce crib with orange bedding" That's cute!" Dream exclaimed, " Oh Wilbur it's time to go!" George said seeing the carriage stopped in front of the shop" Okay! Dream we have to go meet Techno somewhere" Wilbur said showing Dream to the carriage" Oh okay," Dream said following George and Sapnap to the carriage

Dream followed George to the spot in the forest with a blindfold on" Careful Dream we don't want you or the baby to get hurt" Said the British knight guiding the shorter male through the rocks"They arrived at the spot where they had everything planned, George uncovered Dream's eyes" Will you Dream WasTaken do the favor of marrying me?" Techno asked kneeling down on one knee with a ring In hand" YES! Yes, TechnoBlade I will!" Dream yelled jumping into Techno's arms

Dream fell asleep on Techno's lap on the way back to the castle" Hey Mate did everything go as planned?" Phil asked walking out to see Techno holding Dream bridal style so he wouldn't hurt his new child" Yeah, he said yes" Techno smiled rubbing Dream's head" Good I'm gonna have a son In-law!" Phil cheered quietly

" Hmm?" Dream mumbled opening his eyes to see Techno taking his clothes off for him" Hey love, don't worry just rest" Techno cooed rubbing Dream's hips slowly"Hmm, you always seem to make me wanna fall asleep" Dream mumbled closing his eyes and resting his head on Techno's shoulder

Techno finished changing Dream into sleepwear. They did it every night, They would play with each other hair till they fell asleep, Dream being pregnant meant he had to save his energy, so He fell asleep first. Techno was rubbing Dream's stomach in circles slowly, as he fell asleep soon after. Techno woke up later at night to see Dream next to the toilet vomiting what was left of his dinner" Hey, your okay Dreamie" Techno cooed rubbing Dream's back slowly" Mhmp," Dream mumbled cuddling into TEchno's chest" C'mon let's get you into the shower love" Techno said picking Dream up and starting their shower

They finished their shower and got changed again. Dream was resting while TEchno was doing His king/ wedding work. Wilbur was taking care of Dream while Techno worked." Hey Wil you can take a break I'm gonna spend some time with Dream" Techno said patting Wilbur's back and walking over to Dream on their bed" Hey Techy" Dream mumbled climbing onto Techno's lap" Hmm, you excited about the wedding?" Techno said rubbing Dream's neck and kissing it" Yea I'm also excited about our baby" Dream said rubbing his stomach where the big lump was"Heh me too my love," Said Techno placing his hand on Dreams hand"

They talked about the wedding and where it was gonna be planned and when." how about we plan the wedding on May 6th" Dream suggested with a smile from ear to ear" Yea! we could do it at the picnic spot " TEchno said getting up to carry Dream to the balcony" How did I end up with such a lucky Fiancé" Techno laughed sitting Dream on his lap while they watched the stars" Hmm, maybe cause im the only male that can give birth?" Dream mumbled kissing Techno's cheek" Yeah maybe," Techno said returning the kiss with one to Dream's forehead

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