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 machining of Blood

Dream ate his last golden apple, hidden in a tree hiding from Techno. " DREAM!" TEchno yelled ender pearling to the tree" Shit!' Dream ran to an open field and grabbed his axe waiting for the hybrid. Before Dream knew it there was an arrow through his thigh, It made Dream lose balance and fall." How sad, your clouts mine now" Techno laughed jumping down from a tree. They both fought a good battle but Techno had more healing potions than Dream, So Techno was winning... By a lot. Dream soon came to a cave and hid init." Dreamie I know your in here" Techno laughed maniacally slowly walking towards to ' hidden' hole Dream was hiding in.

TEchno was dragging Dream by the hood of his sweater towards a cliff. TEchno thought the whole way there. When TEchno got there he threw Dream down, causing the axe in his chest to fall out and gush blood." GAH!" Dream groaned, placing his hands on the wound. Techno looked at Dream like some helpless puppy"......Shit" Techno muttered before looking through his bag" Hmm?" Dream mumbled looking at Techno" Lay down your wound is only gonna bleed more" Techno said grabbing some bandages for Dream" W-What are you doing?" Dream asked mentally slapping himself for stuttering" Bandageing you up, what does it look like?" Techno mumbled opening the cork of a healing potion" Why" Dream winced as he looked down to his gushing wound" Because Dream...Open your mouth" Techno said before placing his hand onto the back of Dream's head. Dream slowly drank the potion, it healed most of his small cuts and scratches, but his big wounds were still the same." Lift your shirt up a little" Techno said grabbing the bandages that he set next to himself. Dream did so, Techno scanned his chest, There were scars all over it most leading down to his thighs. Techno thought it probably wasn't a good idea to ask about them." This is gonna hurt like hell Dream okay" TEchno warned, rapping Dream's lower chest with gauze" Fuck!" Dream muttered slamming his hand down on the ground" Okay. Next, your thigh" Techno mumbled to himself" Uhm... could you pull your pants down a little Dream..." Techno mumbled looking down at the arrow through Dream's thigh" Y-yeah, please be careful" Dream said pulling his jeans down just to where the arrow was." Dream I'm gonna have to rip the arrow out" Techno said looking into Dream's eyes" F-fine" Dream mumbled bracing himself for the pain. Techno ripped it out after a few tried, Dream was in lots of pain by the 2nd try though.

Techno finally finished bandaging Dream. It was around midnight when he did," Wanna stay at my place till you heal?" Techno asked, looking over at Dream who was struggling to keep his eyes open" Uhm...Sure" Dream mumbled trying to get up from the tree he was leaning on" Here ill help," Techno said grabbing Dream's waist and wrapping his arm around it.

" There," Techno said placing Dream down on the bed" I'll grab some clothes for you," Techno said walking into his closet. Dream sat there on Techno's bed waiting for him." Here you go" Techno said placing a hoodie and sweatpants next to him

Dream woke up to the feeling of ice on his thigh"hmm?" Dream mumbled looking over to see Techno with the bag of ice." Your thigh got swollen overnight so I grabbed some ice for it" Techno said rubbing Dream's thigh and smiling." Thanks, Techno" Dream smiled and laid back down to rest" I'm surprised you aren't crying right now," Techno said lifting the ice up to see his thigh" eh, I'm used to it by now" Dream mumbled cringing at the feeling of his wet thigh" If anything like this happens again I'm always here to heal you okay," Techno said rubbing the swollen part of Dream's thigh" mhm, Thanks Techno" Dream said closing his eyes and smiling

" Hey Dream, Do you want anything to eat?" Techno asked opening the door" Dream?" Techno asked again this time looking up" DREAM?!" Techno yelled running towards the unconscious male" Holy crap...his wound opened" Techno muttered to himself lifting up the hoodie to see the gauze covered in blood. Techno ran to grab his healing potions, gauze, and alcohol." C'mon Dream drink" Techno cried tilting the healing potion towards Dream's mouth. A wave of relief flushed through Techno when he saw Dream slowly drink the potion" There we go Dream"Techno said to himself rubbing Dream's neck slowly" Techno?" Dream mumble opening his eyes slowly then looking at the hybrid" Shh, rest just rest Dreamie" Techno cooed brushing the hair away from Dream's eyes" oww" Dream groaned when he felt Techno touch the axe wound on his lower chest" Sorry" Techno apologized wrapping the wound a little less tight" 

TEchno finished wrapping Dream's chest, They hung out in Techno's room telling stories for a while until Techno got board" Dream" Techno said looking at the shorter wounded male" Hm?" Dream responded looking at Techno" Do you like men?" Techno asked getting kinda embarrassed" Yeah I like men, I'm pansexual" Dream said wincing as he turned on his side to face Techno better"...Do you like me?" Techno mumbled staring into Dream's emerald eyes. Dream had enough, he pulled Techno towards his face and smashed their lips together, Techno bit on Dream's lips asking for permission, Dream then opened his mouth and let Techno explore every inch. They broke the kiss after a little while, a string of saliva following their mouths" heh, you act like a top, but your really a bottom arent you?" Techno laughed in shock knowing he took dominance in the kiss between Dream and him" Laugh all you want, Im actually a switch for your information" Dream mumbled laying back on his back trying not to re-open the wound on his chest

                                     3 Days Later

" You seem like you've gotten stronger love," Techno said as Dream sat his plump ass on Techno's legs" I feel better to" Dream added pointing to the now smaller scar marking where the arrow hit his thigh" Heh that's good, how about your axe wound?" Techno asked with a smirk rubbing Dream's upper chest near his mommy milkers" Oh shut up you saw that wound last night, You almost ripped it open! Now there are smaller bruises all over my chest! and my ass, and back hurt!" Dream yelled pushing Techno's hands away from his mommy milkers. Techno sat there laughing with his arms around Dream's waist" Im leaving!" Dream yelled placing his bad leg on the ground first" SHIT!" Dream yelled grabbing his leg in pain" Heh, did I go too hard on you last night?" Techno laughed THinking Dream was playing around" T-Tech I-I can't feel my-my whole leg" Dream mumbled tears staining his cheeks and falling down his shirt" Crap! Im so sorry Dream I thought you were joking!" Techno yelled picking Dream up and setting him on the couch"Mhmm, C-Could you gr-grab me some -i-ice" Dream mumbled shutting his eyes" Oh course" Techno said running to the kitchen for ice

Techno went to change the ice every once-in-awhile, he didn't want to though, he wanted to stay with Dream because he was in pain, it was his fault anyway so he still felt guilty" Im really sorry I did this Dream" Techno mumbled rubbing the sore part of Dream's leg in circles" It's alright, that was water under the bridge Love" Dream smiled a weak smile towards TEchno

         Should I do part 2? Vote and comment if so!! LOVE YOU ALL! BYE!

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