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Story idea by me and my stupid knee injury!! This is not what actually happend just the knee part. My story was a lot funnier and gayer, and some how sadder...3njoy this chapter 


Dream and his team were getting their uniforms on and their foot ball ready. " you excited Dream?!" Sapnap yelled running to the shorter blonde haired male " im excited ,you?" Dream asked a smile appearing on his face when Sapnap showed up. 

" Okay! This is the last game before we play with professionals next year!" Coach Bad yelled in their huddle circle, Everyone ran towards their positions on the field " READY!!HUT!" Yelled the ref blowing his whistle, Dream ran for the ball Sapnap had, " DREAM, HEADS" Sapnap yelled making eye contact with Dream as he through the ball towards him. Dream jumped up and caught it, but as soon as he hit the floor he was tackled by the other team, Dream heard a crack in his knee " SHIT!" Dream yelled pushing everyone off him, Sapnap heard Dream yell and ran toward him quickly, " GIVE HIM SOME SPACE!" Sapnap yelled pushing everyone away from dream so he could get to him " Holy shit dude! GEORGE GET THE COACH, QUICK!" Sapnap yelled as he slid towards Dream, Sapnap and a couple other of their teammates helped pick Dream up and help him to the coachs SUV

Sapnap was pacing around in the waiting room, waiting for what felt like hours but was really only 24 minutes, before the nurse came in " friends of Clay?" She asked her gaze landing on the pacing Sapnap, and George trying to calm him down " is he okay!?" Sapnap asked running towards the nurse " he injured his left knee, its pretty swollen, but its gonna be like that for the next week or two, but he should be okay to leave tomorrow morning, oh and he's on a lot of pain meds so he might be a little drowsy and confused" She said then leading them to the room Dream was in " you should be quiet, he's still sensitive to loud sounds" The nurse said opening the door for them. Relife flushed through Sapnaps veins when he saw that Dream was okay, he was a little banged up, but okay. " hey bud" Sapnap said sitting on the chair next to the bed Dream was laying on " hi" Dream mumbled opening his eyes slightly to look at Sapnap " Hey Dream" George said giving Dream a small smile as he sat down next to Sapnap " mhm" Dream hummed closing his eyes again then slowly moving his hand to Sapnaps, when he did he grabbed it weakly and smiled his toothy smile, just smaller and more heartbreaking. Sapnap only smiled and started rubbing Dreams hand in circles 

George had left to go buy some burgers about 15 minutes ago, leaving Sapnap to watch Dream and try to talk to him. It didn't go very well, since all Dream could really responed with were 'mhm's and 'hmm's and a couple small words like 'oh' and 'sore' " wher's Gr'g?" Dream slurred as he opened his eyes to look then closing them because of the bright light " damn, you really are loopy, George went to go buy burgers for us " Sapnap said with a smile as he repeated that answer for the 3rd time "oh, mhm" Dream mumbled as he slowly shifted his head on the pillow " Do you remember what happend at the game?" Sapnap asked helping Dream adjust his head " no, n't real'y" Dream said with a small groan " ill tell you later George should be here soon " Sapnap said brushing the hair away from Dreams eyes

"Im here" George said walking into the room with the bags of food " hey George" Sapanp smiled setting his phone on the table next to the chair " hows dream?" George asked stopping to look at Dream who was fiddling with the hoodie Sapnap gave him " he's okay, he is responding more " Sapnap said with a smile as he ruffled Dreams hair " you hungry dude?" Sapnap asked petting Dreams head with a small chuckle " mhm-hmm" Dream hummed as he nodded his head still playing with the hoodie "okay here you go Dream" George said giving Dream his burger with a bottle of soda 

Sapnap was on his way to pick Dream up from the hospital, he was humming a song he was listening to earlier, something from Quadeca. Sapnap pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and unbuckled and walked into the main entrance. " Sap!" Dream yelled when he saw Sapnap walk into the building " Hey man!" Sapnap smiled running towards Dream and giving him a hug " How's your knee?" Sapnap asked as he ruffled Dreams hair with a smile " Pain meds, can't feel shit" Dream smiled as he fixed his hair " Can't tell if that's good or bad, but anyway, your gonna stay at my house because I don't trust you to be alone with an injury" Sapnap said as he grabbed the paper with Dreams prescriptions the nurse gave him " It was one time dude, one time!" Dream laughed as he followed Sapnap to his car " Yeah and you came back with one more injury then you left with " Sapnap smiled as he opened the door for Dream " Whatever"

Two updates in one day wth I'm on a roll!! Anyway sorry for being gone for so long, I've been dealing with school and family shit anyway I'm back now except some new updates and storyz on my page!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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