danny fluff

6.7K 81 60

Word count: 1224

Proof read: Yes

Other important notes: N/A

Enjoy :)

It was a chilly November morning when my alarm clock decided to pierce my eardrums with the most annoying noise I've ever heard. My eyes fluttered open like a butterfly on a summer afternoon, and I slammed off the beeping as fast I could. I shoved my face in my pillow and groaned, not ready for the day to start.

"Shut upp.." I grumbled, irritated that I was woken up this early in the morning. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, checking what notifications I might have. Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Email, all the works. I let out a sigh of frustration mixed with grogginess, but I figured I should start getting up. I threw open my covers, receiving a loud whoosh sound in return. Slowly but surely, I stood up from my soft, velvety mattress and made my way out of my bedroom. I arrived at my kitchen, groaning at the thought of having to actually prepare myself food. I opened my cabinet and grabbed a small bowl and a box of cereal. I wasn't really in the mood to make something extravagant, especially since it was pretty early.

"This is fine for today, I don't care enough." I mumbled, putting my breakfast ingredients down on the table, and opening my fridge to grab some milk. Milk that I was supposed to buy last week, but didn't because I was lazy.

'You're fucking kidding me right now.' I thought as I held the bridge of my nose in annoyance, and slammed the fridge shut. I grabbed my keys off the counter, slipped on my shoes, grabbed a mask and my bag, and head out the door. There was a small grocery store called Fresh Harvest not too far away from my house, but it was far enough to put me in a pissy mood. I made my way out of my apartment and started down the old, worn bricks of the sidewalk down to the dainty store. It had never been too popular of a place, but enough people knew about it where it was still kept in business. There were much bigger chains in my area like Kroger and Giant, but I preferred this shop because it had more of a wholesome and loving feel to it. Also, they're the only place in town that sell the type of bread I like. I arrived at the small shop and opened the creaky door, trying not to make too much noise as to not irritate anybody other shoppers. When I made my way inside, I was greeted with the smell of freshly baked bread and toasted cinnamon. A sweet, older couple had been keeping things up and running for as long as I can remember, which is why I was surprised when I saw a tall, blonde haired boy behind the counter.

'Woah, he's cute.' I thought to myself, as I gave him a quick glance. His hair was the same color as sand at the beach on a warm day, and his eyes reminded me of dark chocolate. His jawline was so well structured, you could crack diamonds. I caught myself staring at the total stranger, and snapped out of my trance. I tried to avoid looking in the direction of this mystery man as I made my way to the dairy section. I picked up a gallon of milk, and made my way across the freshly mopped floor to the checkout. I looked at the boy and placed my items on the counter in front of him. He smells of warm cinnamon and vanilla, I welcome this scent as it slowly fills my nose.

"Just this, please." I said, a little flustered from his good looks. I looked down at my feet, trying to avoid eye contact with him as I twiddled my thumbs. He muttered something to me, but I was so lost in thought that I completely tuned it out.

"Uh, hello? Are you all right?" The blonde boy said, waving his hand in front of me trying to grab my attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was spacing out, what were you saying?" I said, embarrassed that I completely missed what he said.

"I said that I like your sweatshirt. Jujutsu Kaisen is one of my favorite shows. I even got some of Sukuna's tattoos." He said, rolling up the sleeves of his white button-down shirt. The mysterious boy showed me his wrist tattoos and, low and behold, there they were. He had the exact same tattoos as Sukuna, and they looked fantastic. The lines were crisp and the shading was divine, it was hard not to stare. He was quite obviously in love with this show, and anybody could see that.

"Thank you, that's very kind." I replied, still trying to transition from sleep mode to 'hey it's time to wake the fuck up and be a real person' mode. It was quiet for a moment, until I stuck out my hand.

"I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you." I said, excited that I was talking to the mystery man. He seemed happy that our conversation was still going, as he reached out to shake my hand.

"I'm Danny, it's nice to meet you too." He said, calm and collected.

"Jutjutsu Kaisen is really good, have you heard there's a movie coming out? I'm so excited for it." He said, practically bouncing up and down like a kid in a candy store.

"Yeah, I've heard of the movie. To be honest, I never actually finished the show. I got about halfway through the first season and then fell off." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Holy shit!" Danny yelled, quickly covering his mouth with his hand. I chuckled at his antics, but anticipated what he had to say.

"Dude, you HAVE finish the show, it's so good. I swear, it's one of the best shows out there." He said, using his hands to articulate his speech.

"I'll have to get back on it." I said, excited to start the show back up again.

'Why do I feel so happy right now? I need to calm down. Deep breaths, Y/N. Deep breaths..' As I thought to myself, I looked at Danny, realizing that my groceries had been packed and ready to go for at least a minute now. I look behind me, only to see that a small line was starting to form. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment as I picked up my things and started to leave. I waved goodbye to Danny, and made my way back home.

As I got back to my apartment, I opened the door to my small living room and strolled inside. I walked to my kitchen, and put down my things. Letting out a sigh of relief, I walked over to my table and started to make breakfast.

"Okay, now I can finally fucking eat." I say, rolling my eyes in annoyance. I start rummaging through my bag of goods, when I come across a small slip of paper.

602-521-4863 call me sometime if you wanna watch JJK together :) - Danny



I hope you liked the story, I'm writing about Brandon next :)

remember: consent is key!!

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