arny smut lol

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Word count: 1730

Proof read: Yes

Other important notes: I love yall

Enjoy :)

I texted my best friend Sarah, asking her if she wanted to hang out. I've been cooped up in my apartment too much for my liking, so I'd like a chance to get out. In a matter of minutes, I received a response.

"Yes, please come over. My brother is annoying the fuck out of me."

I've known her brother Arny for as long as I can remember. The three of us used to hang out a lot when we were younger, but as we reached adulthood, we started to grow apart. I still see him every now and again, not quite as much as I see Sarah. Arny has always been quite flirtatious towards me, but I've always ignored his advances. It's not that I don't think he's attractive or that I don't like him like that, but he's Sarah's fucking brother.

She would kill me.

I took a quick glance at the clock and see it's 12:45, displayed by the wooden hands. I didn't have much to do right now, so I figured I'd just pack a bag and head on over. Walking into my room, I grab a blue backpack hanging from the back of my door. I slide open my sleek mahogany drawers and pull out an array of clothing that I think would look best. I walk over to my bed and sit down, placing my bag on the floor and my clothes right next to me.

I start to space out, staring at the ground.

'I'm kind of excited to see Arny. I haven't seen him in quite a while, I wonder if he's changed at all'

My hand slowly left the pile of clothes next to me and made their way down to the hem of my pants, starting to unzip my jeans.

'I love his hair, it's so pretty and fun to play with. I hope he'll let me play with it if I see him.'

I take off my jeans and rub my inner thighs, slowly teasing myself. I feel my face grow hot and lay back on my bed, as I continue to get off to the thought of my best friend's brother.

'His lips are so pretty, I want him to leave hickeys all over me."

My hands move closer to my genitals, about to make contact.


'Are you fucking kidding right now?'

I sit up, frustrated with blue balls, and check to see who's calling me.

Incoming Call - Sarah


I put on a smiley face along with a cheerful attitude, and answer the phone.

"Hey girly, what's up?"

"When do you plan on coming over?" She asked.

I could tell there was a slight annoyance in her voice, but I wasn't sure why.

"In about 30 minutes, everything okay?

Sarah sighed. Obviously there was something she wasn't telling me, and I was curious to find out what it was.

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