will fluff

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Word count: 1443

Proof read: Yes

Other important notes: N/A

Enjoy :)

"Ugh, I fucking hate that class!" My best friend Will said to me, as we left our final class of the day.

"I know dude, I've told you countless times that I'll help you study but most of the time you're out at parties and whatnot." I responded, shrugging my shoulders, not quite knowing what to say. Will sighed and brushed a small, messy strand of hair out of his face and tucked it behind his ear. He and I have been great friends for as long as I can remember, back to our days in kindergarten, at least. Now, Will and I both attend JMU in Harrisonburg Virginia, where I'm studying to become a(n) d/c and he wants to go into computer science.

"Speaking of parties.." He slyly brings up, smirking and bumping my arm with his elbow.

"That senior, Arny, is throwing a party tonight and I think we should go." He chirps, wrapping an arm around me.

"Absolutely not, everybody at parties always gets insanely drunk and it reeks of alcohol. Plus, I just don't want to." Will and I made our way back to my dorm in a matter of moments. I brushed his arm off my shoulder so I could unlock the door, stepping inside and holding the door for Will behind me.

"Come on Y/N! I'll do your math homework and your laundry for a week!" Will pleaded, taking a step inside my dorm and shutting the door behind him, receiving a boom in return.

"Pleeeaaasse? I swear I'll never ask you for anything ever again!" he clasped his hands together, locking his fingers and shaking them back and forth. I set my bag down along with a few books, then turn to look at him. He KNOWS how much I fucking hate math, order of operations can kiss my ass. I sigh, walking over to him and resting my head on his shoulder, admitting defeat.

"..What time are we leaving?" I look up at Will, seeing a bright smile appear on his face.

'His tooth gap is so damn cute.' I thought, as Will explained the details pertaining to our late-night outing.

"I'll pick you up at 9:00, sound good?" He asked, looking down at me with a soft smile which gave me a sense of belonging. I felt butterflies start to appear in my stomach, more showing up as my blush intensified.

"Eh, that sounds fine." I say, trying to hide my very obvious red face by looking away. He bent down, getting pretty close to me.

"You okay, Y/N? You seem distressed." Will asked me, as I felt each butterfly flap its wings more rapidly. His pointer finger placed itself under my chin, turning my head to face his.

"Hey, I asked you a question." He added, worry in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just nervous for tonight, you know?" I lied, gently pushing his hand away from my face. He straightened himself back up, taking a step back to give me space.

"I'm gonna go get some homework done. I'll text you further details regarding later tonight, okay?" Will said, readjusting his bag on his shoulder then waving goodbye. He left swiftly, shutting the door behind him fast enough that he let a gust of wind rush into my room.

'Ugh, there's no way I'm gonna be able to tell him how I feel.' I thought to myself, as I made my way to my bed, flopping down face first. After a minute or so, I pull out my phone and start scrolling through YouTube, but fell asleep before I could find a video to watch.

An hour goes by.

Then another hour.

And another hour.

Until I was awoken by a powerful knocking at my door.

"Y/N, open up! What are you doing? We were supposed to leave for Arny's party 15 minutes ago!" I heard coming from the other side of the dark brown door.

'Huh? What party?' Still dazed and confused, I woke up and made my way over to the door. I open it up only to find Will standing there, leaned up against the wall staring at his watch.

"Why are you here?" I asked, covering my mouth with my hand as I let out a quiet yawn.

"Did you fall asleep?" He asked me as he held the bridge of his nose in annoyance. After what seemed like forever, he picked his head up and looked down into my tired eyes.

"Yeah, it was an accident. Do you wanna come inside and watch a movie? My roommate isn't here right now, they're out at some stupid party." I said, not realizing the blatant hypocrisy in my sentence. Will rolled his eyes at me, before agreeing.

"..I guess." He made his way inside my dorm, taking off his doc martens and sitting down at my desk. I closed the door behind him and made my way over to my bed, taking a seat. I pat the soft, f/c sheets of my bed suggesting for Will to come sit next to me. He gets the message and makes his way over to me, bringing the TV remote with him. He handed me the remote, looking up at me with a kind smile on his face. I felt the cool plastic of the remote against my warm hands, making a chill run down my spine. I turned on the TV and started flipping through the channels.

"What do you wanna watch?" Will asked me, leaning back against the wall.

'You slowly fall in love with me.' I thought for a second, zoning out. Snapping back to reality, I leaned my head on his shoulder without giving it much thought.

"Can we watch a shitty romcom?" I asked, closing my eyes and holding his hand.

'What are you doing, Y/N?! You're gonna blow your cover!' The reasonable part of my brain tried to protest, but I felt like I was lost in reality being there with Will. It didn't feel like a normal hangout, there was definitely something more there.

And I wanted to know what it was.

"Is this okay?" I asked Will, letting go of his hand, only to be brought back moments later.

"More than okay, love." He replied back to me, interlocking his fingers with mine. With his other hand, he grabbed the remote from my hands and muted the TV, the only noise in the room being our breathing and slightly audible ticks from the clock. Will slid his hand out from my grip, snaking it around my waist and pulling me in. Will leaned down to my ear, asking me a question in a stern yet concerned voice.

"Are you okay with this? Please tell me to stop if you're not comfortable." I cupped his face with my free hand, bringing him in to kiss his cheek as to say I was okay with it. I pull away, feeling a slight blush creep across my face.

"I'm more than okay with it, thank you for checking." Will smiled, raising my chin with his index finger and chin.

"You look awfully flustered, Y/N. What's wrong?" He asked, leaning down to my neck to leave a trail of soft kisses up to my ear. Will kissed his way closer to my lips, not making contact with them just yet. I laid down on my bed, pulling him down with me. Us both laying on our sides, making eye contact for a good 5 seconds.

10 seconds.

Will moved closer to me, touching my nose with his and giving me butterfly kisses. I could even feel the heat radiating from his body.

'Just go for it, Y/N..' Before I could finish my thought, he broke my concentration by speaking.

"Can I kiss you?" Will asked, a little embarrassed by his question.

"Absolutely." He gave me a gentle kiss on the lips, wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me on top of him. His lips were soft, like a warm pillow that you didn't wanna flip over to the cold side. His cherry chapstick danced on my lips as he pulled me closer, trying to take me all in. Eventually, I pulled away and laid my head on his chest, looking up at him with kind eyes.

"Wanna spend the night?"


hi everyone!! sorry this took so long for me to release, school has been a pain in my ass recently. I hope you enjoyed the story :)

remember: consent is key!!

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