brandon fluff

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requested by AnnaWalker478

Word count: 2226

Proof read: Yes

Other important notes: Grammatical errors in Brandon's text message are intentional.

Enjoy :)

I parked my old, hand-me-down car in the parking garage outside the movie theater. This particular parking garage reeked of old spice and burnt out cigarettes, so I preferred to get out of there as fast as possible. I turned to look at my best friend Brandon, who tagged along because he was bored. Before coming here, I received a text message that said:

"my apartmant isnt bussin rn lemme come hang out with u. if u say no ur canceled"

Obviously, since he's my best friend, I agreed. I opened the driver's side door, being careful not to hit the person parked next to us. I stepped out of the car, feeling the cool December air on my face, somehow making me more alert to my surroundings. I slammed the door shut, then walked over to Brandon who had already gotten out of the car. I locked the doors of my small vehicle, making sure no passerbys would get any ideas of trying to steal from me. Brandon and I talked a little bit about what movie we would both be interested in seeing. Our conversation came to a halt as we made our way over to the elevator. He pressed the button to summon said elevator, which proceeded to light up a pretty orange-yellow color.

"What are you interested in seeing?" Brandon asked me, his deep voice breaking the silence. I thought about my answer for a good minute before coming to a conclusion.

"I don't know." I said, a little embarrassed that it took me that long to think of such a boring answer. Brandon laughed, as the ding of the elevator played in the background. He let me go first because he could tell the cold was getting to me.

"You're such a gentleman." I said to him, playfully punching his bicep. It definitely hurt me more than it hurt him. My fist retreated from his arm, returning back to my side in a matter of seconds. I've always liked hanging out with Brandon, because each time felt different from the last. I'd always leave with a new memory, a new story to tell when I visit my family for the holidays. I've always fonded over the butterflies I'd get when I would confirm plans with him, each time they felt fresh, like I've never had them before.

"Pft, shut up." He rebuttaled, following me into the elevator. I watched as the doors slowly closed, followed by the faint sounds of Brandon's footsteps on the carpet, as he walked over to the back wall. I pressed the button for the ground floor, watching it illuminate as I took a step backwards, leaning against the cold steel of the elevator. We started moving, going at such a slow pace that it felt like we weren't moving at all.





I looked to Brandon for guidance as I felt the moving box come to a halt. We made eye contact, and I could tell he sensed my panic. Brandon walked over to me, leaning against the railing of the elevator.

"Shit, I think the elevator stopped. Please don't worry, I'll try and get someone over here to check it out." He looked down at me, with a sweet smile that turned my stomach into a butterfly house.

"Well, looks like our movie plans are shot. We can try and entertain ourselves in here if you'd like." I said to Brandon, throwing my head back in annoyance. I watched from my peripherals as Brandon pulled out his phone, looking for people to help repair the elevator.

"You interested in truth or dare?" He said to me, still looking down at his phone. I thought about it for a second, playing through multiple scenarios of how things could possibly go. There weren't necessarily any bad endings, but there certainly were some sexual ones.

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