arny fluff

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Word count: 1610

Proof read: Yes

Other important notes: You and Chris are roommates. There is a part in this story where it's just bold text, ignore it. I just needed to differentiate that it's not dialog.

Enjoy :)

"Come on, please?" My best friend Chris whined, as he tugged on my sleeve with a pout on his face.

"No way, I hate going to the gym! I have to pay money to get all sweaty and gross? No thank you." I said, turning my head away from him and folding my arms.

"But there's this really hot guy there and he's TOTALLY your type! He's super sweet, I've talked to him a few times and I may or may not have brought you up in conversation.." He said, not pulling on me anymore, but instead shrugging his shoulders and looking off to the side.

"You what?! Ugh, Chris!" I protested. I was quite clearly frustrated with his impulsive acts, but also intrigued as to whom he could be talking about.

"Trust me! I told him nothing but good things.. I might have mentioned that I'd bring you today so you two could meet- WHICH is why I'm begging you to go!" He said, with a cheeky, yet nervous smile on his face. I got quiet for a second, putting my hands down on the island in our kitchen. Moments later, I looked up at Chris, making eye contact with him.

"..If he's not hot, I'm kicking your ass." I grumbled, exiting the room to go change. Chris and I have been super close for as long as I can remember. He's always been there for me whenever I needed him, especially when it came to relationships. Even though this was a little out of pocket, I knew he had my best interest in mind. I sighed, taking in a deep breath of fresh air, getting a whiff of the vanilla scented candle sitting on my dresser. Walking over to my closet, I pick out a plain blue t-shirt, my favorite pair of sweat pants, and the new sneakers I bought just a few days ago. I changed out of my comfortable clothes, into slightly less comfortable attire. I strolled over to the mirror in front of my bed, stopping to stare at my posterior.

"I don't have to look flawless, I'm going there to work out, not for some stupid boy." I said, crossing my arms and chuckling to myself, heightening my self esteem.

'No, you're going for the boy.' I thought to myself, as I walked over to my vanity and spritzed myself with some perfume/cologne. After finishing up some final touches, I walked back out into the living area only to find that Chris is nowhere in sight.

"Ugh, where did he go?" I asked myself, as if I was expecting some sort of response. I walked around our shared apartment for a few minutes, opening up several doors and closets searching for my beloved best friend. I was about to give up hope, when I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and checked the caller ID, only to see Chris's contact name.

ඞ is calling...

'I should really change that..' I thought to myself, rubbing the back of my neck.

I answered the phone, ready to throw a shit fit because he abandoned me in our apartment.

"Where are you?"

"No, where are YOU? What is taking you so long? We gotta go, that hot boy is probably waiting for you!"

I take my phone away from my ear, elongating the gap between the phone and my face. I check the time, seeing that it's taken me almost 30 minutes to get ready.

"Holy shit, time really flew by. Are you waiting for me in the car?"

"Yeah, just come down soon or I'm leaving without your ass."

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