danny fluff

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Word count: 1868

Proof read: Yes

Other important notes: This story is similar to the Arny one (in terms of plot), but there was still a lot of effort put into it nonetheless.

Enjoy :)

"We need to find you a s/o!" My best friend Hannah exclaimed, pacing around my bedroom.

"You are way too attractive to be single, I won't stand for it." I sighed, folding my arms.

"Have you tried sitting down?" I chuckled, covering my mouth with my hand in an attempt to muffle my laughter. Hannah stared at me with a 'shut up dumbass' look on her face.

"HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THIS SOONER?" Hannah looked at me with an excited look on her face before she ran out of the room, shutting the door behind her. She was gone for a good 10 minutes before walking back into my room with a cheeky smile on her face.

"YOU, my friend, have a date tonight with a super hot and funny guy that I KNOW you will love. Aren't I the best friend ever?" She brags, sitting down next to me on my bed.

"HUH? There's no way I'm going!" I gave Hannah an upset look, before covering my face with my hands, lying back on my bed. I watched a sad look spread across Hannah's face.

"Aw, come on Y/N! He's so sweet and he likes anime just like you do. I know you guys will get along great, pleeaaassee? Give him a chance, for me?" I took a deep breath, then sat back up.

"Ugh, fine. Maybe you're right, I should put myself out there." I saw Hannah's sad expression accept defeat as a smile overtook her face.

"AHHH I LOVE YOU Y/N, THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE THE BEST FRIEND EVER." I stood up from my bed and gave her a giant bear hug. After a long hug that kind of hurt my ribs from how tight she was holding me, I slipped on my shoes.

"Where are you going?" She asked, a confused look was plastered on her face.

"The mall, I need a new outfit for later. All the shit I have now is worn out and old." Hannah nodded, before squinting her eyes and giving me a condescending wiggle of her pointer finger.

"Don't JUST go to hot topic, buy some actual clothes too. Not just your emo goth shit, okay?" I rolled my eyes, but agreed to her terms. After my conversation with Hannah, I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I made my way down to the parking lot and got in my car, then drove off to the local shopping center that all the middle schoolers go hang out at. After arriving at said shopping center, I went straight to hot topic. To be quite honest, there wasn't much to see, so I left that shit show and went to Spencer's.

THAT was entertaining, I must say.

"I think I'm living the dream of my 15 year old self right now." I said to myself, as I walked into Spencer's. I looked to my right, noticing a wall filled with studded belts and all kinds of chokers.

'Thank God, they have good shit here' Glancing to my left, I notice a super hot employee, as well as some weed mugs. He was organizing said mugs, straightening them out into an orderly fashion to make them look more presentable. Making my way to different parts of the store, I was greeted by that same hot employee.

"Need help finding anything?" He asked, quickly glancing me up and down.

"Do you guys have any Black Butler merchandise?" I asked, part of me genuinely curious and the other part trying to spark up a conversation.

"Yeah, we have a few T-shirts near our Demon Slayer stuff." The employee pointed to his left, motioning towards loads of anime T-shirts, sweatshirts, and more.

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