will smut

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Word count: 1358

Proof read: Yes

Other important notes: Yeah this is basically smut lmao (there is a little bit of degradation in this story!)

Enjoy :)

"It's not my fault you're a God at smash bros! We both know that I know how to play Kirby, and Kirby ALONE." This was the 3rd night in a row that my boyfriend Will has come over to play video games. The real reason I invited him over in the first place was because we were gonna make out, but he saw my Nintendo switch and got all giddy, so we decided to do that instead. Now, he's been coming over every night to play an assortment of games that he's lost almost every single one of.

"Wanna play another round?" I asked, ready to defeat him yet again. He stretched out his arms, and threw his head back, giving me a better view of the few hickeys I'd left nights prior.

'God, he's so hot.'

"Nah, I'm getting kinda hungry, let's get something to eat." Will said as he pulled out his phone, opening up the DoorDash app. I waddled closer to him, wanting to order a little something for myself. Before I got the chance to sit down once again, I felt a pair of arms around me, then I was on his lap.

"Hey! I just wanted to look!" I folded my arms and pout my lips, like an angry white woman at a restaurant. Will chuckled as he set his phone down next to him, pulling me closer. His arms wrapped around my waist, moving my hips onto his.

"Sorry lovebug, I got impatient." I jokingly rolled my eyes, then gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Come here, I want more of you." I cupped his cheeks and pulled his face closer to mine, pressing my forehead against his. He got closer to my lips, just about to give me what I craved most in that moment.

"Really? You want me that badly?" He asked, pulling his forehead away from mine. Will gently wrapped his hand around my neck; he wasn't choking me, but there was just enough pressure to make me want more. I nodded my head, feeling my adrenaline start to build up in the best way possible.

"Maybe later." He let go of me, forcing a frown to spread across my face. Will kissed my nose, then flashed me a cheeky smile as he picked his phone back up. Will continued to scroll through menu after menu, his mouth practically watering at the sight of all the food.

"What are you in the mood for? I could go for anything right now." He lifted my chin with his pointer and index finger.

"Especially you."

"Shut up, you know exactly what I want." I wrapped my arms around him, trailing a few kisses up his neck, causing him to bite his bottom lip.

"Is this okay? Tell me to stop if you're not comfortable." I said, taking a brief pause.

"Yes lovebug, I am comfortable. Thank you for asking." He rubbed my back, giving me the okay to continue. After a few minutes of going to work on him, along with my indecisiveness of where we should eat, we decided to order a pizza.

"Ooh, that sounds good. Is Domino's okay?" Will asked, wrapping his free hand around my waist.

"Dude, I'm cool with anything that isn't pizza hut." I pulled away from him, cupping his face.

"All right, I'm gonna call and make an order." He said, as I readjusted myself on his lap.

I watched Will start to type in the number for Domino's, as I started to kiss his neck again. The phone started ringing as I left few gentle bites on his neck. I could tell he was enjoying it, but he couldn't enjoy to the full extent because.. well, he was on the one with a complete stranger. I felt something underneath me as I continued to kiss his neck. My face started to heat up as an idea popped into my head.

"Dial the number, sweetheart." I said to him, nibbling at his ear. He nodded and pressed the call button. I heard the phone ringing as he snaked his arm around my waist once again. I adjusted myself right on top of his hard-on, then continued to kiss his neck.

"Thanks for calling Domino's, how can I help you?" The worker on the other end of the phone sounded irritated, but tried to cover it the best they could.

"Go on, tell them what you want." I whispered to Will, pulling away from his neck.

"I'll continue after." He nodded, giving me a kiss on the forehead. I got off of Will's lap and scrolled through tik tok, trying not to laugh loud enough for the person on the other end to hear. After what felt like an eternity, he hung up the phone.

"Come back, lovebug." He pat his lap twice and opened his arms, giving me the cue that it's okay to return. I hopped back into his lap and gave him a big hug.

"Hi sweetheart, I hope I wasn't laughing too much while you were on the phone." He smiled at me, pulling me closer.

"Nah, not at all, your laugh is cute." Will said, snaking an arm around my waist and trailing a hand up to my chin to pull me closer.

"I think your moans are cuter though." He's staring right at me, I can feel my face heating up as his thumb brushes against my bottom lip.

"You're so pretty, you know that? Such a slut for me. I know you wanted to make me all embarrassed while I was on the phone, but you couldn't even follow through with it, could you?" Will picked me up and placed me on one of his thighs, using the arm he had behind my back to help stabilize me.

"Are you okay with this? If you're not, I'll stop at any time." He asked, with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Yes, I'm more than okay with this. Thank you for asking." Will smiled, then gave me a long, passionate kiss. I love those the most. I love him the most. I continued to kiss his neck, making my way up to his jawline, then to the corner of his lips. I felt the sides of his lips being tugged into a smirk as his hands grab ahold of my hips.

"You're a little frisky, aren't you?" I asked.

"Didn't I say I was hungry?" He starts moving my hips back and forth on his thigh, making me bury my face in his neck. I let out a soft moan, his hands grip me tighter, it's all so much pleasure and ecstasy. He picked up the pace as I trailed kisses from his neck down to his collarbone, leaving small, purple marks. He threw his head back, running a hand through his hair as I continued to go to work. I pulled away from him and stopped moving on his thigh. Laying down on the couch, I pulled him down on top of me to continue where we left off.

"You're so handsome." I kissed his forehead, brushing one of his curly brown locks behind his ear. He smiled before laying down next to me, pulling me into his chest.

"I love you, Y/N. Not just because of all the sexual shit or whatever, even though you're great at it." He starts rubbing my back before continuing his thought.

"I love your personality and how you treat other people, you're my soupsnake." Will wrapped his arms around my waist and spooned me, until our moment was interrupted by the doorbell. I groaned, before getting up and making my way over to the door to answer it.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Uhh, I have a pizza for Will."


hi guys! sorry I haven't posted in so long, I haven't had any motivation and I've been busy with school and colorguard. hopefully I'll start writing more soon, thank you for the endless support!

remember, consent is key :)

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