Chapter 2

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Aelin had no idea what she was doing, in the arms of a winged male who's name she hadn't asked about, not that it would matter, he was an arrogant ass anyway. But he was the first person she'd come across and needed to find a way to go back to Erilea, to Rowan, whom she knew would be looking for her none stop. He chest tightened to the point of pain at the memory of her mate's beautiful face and the love that shone in his eyes.

Cassian landed outside the river house in Velaris after a few minutes of flying and the female had quickly gotten out of his grip, as if she couldn't handle being touched for more than necessary.

He silently went into the house and she followed him inside without question. He knew Feyre had an impenetrable shield around her and all the others could take care of themselves if she tried to attack again, or so he hoped because her show of power back at the border of the Spring Court was nothing like he'd ever seen. Cauldron knows what she still has hidden under her skin.

He reached the common room and told her before entering, "You keep your mouth shut, or there will be no stopping the fight this time."

Aelin levelled a flat stare at him and answered with a sweet voice, "You threaten me again and there will be no stopping the fight before you're dead." she glared at him and he glared right back.

Cassian broke eye contact first and opened the door to the room. He found Rhys sitting before the fire and Mor sprawled on a couch with her head propped up on her arm, also staring at the fire.

Rhys turned towards them and was instantly before them when he noticed the stranger standing beside Cassian, Mor following suite.

"Introducing us to your new lover Cassian?" Mor mused, but wariness filled her eyes as she scanned Aelin whole.

"Explain." Rhys ordered without looking at him, his eyes never leaving Aelin.

"I found her on the border of the spring court, wandering there, she attacked me and we fought," he glanced at her over his shoulder, "She is very skilled," he paused, then Cassian said between gritted teeth, "I couldn't defeat her," Mor whipped her head toward him in surprise. "She asked me who my superior was because she needed to talk to someone in charge, apparently, she doesn't know what a High Lord is and asked what this place was. She has fire magic, so I assumed she was from the Autumn Court, but she didn't even know what the Autumn Court was."

Rhysand turned to her then, his assessing look marking every inch of her and his stare was so heavy on her that Aelin squirmed and said, "Are you in charge?" Her voice was steady and that of the queen she was becoming.

Rhys kept staring at her but said, "Yes. I am the high lord of the night court. What is it you want to discuss with me?"

"Well, it's quite complicated but first I need to ask if you're familiar with ancient magic that can open portals between worlds." Aelin said, her voice still steady and her chin high. She doesn't want to mess with any of them, she noted, whatever power they possessed, especially that prince of theirs, wasn't a joke. She only wanted a way home and quickly.

"Why should I answer your questions when you attacked my general?" Rhys answered.

"I wasn't intending to kill him, he was the first person I encountered and I needed to get to someone who could help me, but," she glared at Cassian, "your bat kept on saying bullshit I didn't understand until I handed him his ass in a fight and he agreed to get me to you."

Cassian glared back at her and the two held each other's stares till Mor cleared her throat and Cassian looked away, Aelin smirked.

Rhys released some of his power and went for Aelin's mind to see what she really was intending to do. He was met with a solid wall that did not falter to his magic and Rhys recoiled then, "What's your name?"

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