Chapter 5

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“It’s been a whole day!” Cassian bellowed as he paced the room like a crazed Illyrian.

Rhys looked at his miserable brother and sighed, “I know how long it’s been.” Granted, Aelin was scaring the wits out of everyone with her deep, endless sleep, but Madja had said that there was nothing wrong with her and that she only needed rest. What kind of rest was that?

Rhys now considered. The blast that Aelin released on that rooftop was nothing like he’d ever seen before, it was more power than any high lord had ever possessed and it must have taken lots of energy to contain and control it.

“I swear, if she dies and I don’t get to beat her at sword fighting or get to thank her I’m going to be really mad,” he said as he slumped on the couch next to his high lord.

After yesterday’s battle there was no appropriate way to thank Aelin for what she’d done, her help had saved Velaris and its people. People who some of had lost their homes and Cassian should be checking on...

“Don’t you have duties to attend to? Houses to check on?” Rhys asked his brother.

Cassian waved his hand in the air, “Already done that,” he said and looked at Rhys and the look on his face told him his high lord hadn’t just been reminding him of that for nothing, he knew he would’ve finished his assigned tasks.

“Right,” Cassian said as he stood up, “I should probably check on them again, pass the time,” he added as he walked to the door, “I’ll see you at dinner.” And then he was gone.

Once alone, Rhys leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes. Cauldron, he needed to find a way back for Aelin and quickly, the woman had a kingdom to take back and a mate to go home to. He knew exactly what it felt like to be separated from a mate...

He heard her soft footsteps before she walked through the door. As beautiful and as delicate as ever, his mate came into view and crossed the space between them slowly, with a smile on her face and all Rhys could do was marvel at her loveliness.

Feyre was dressed in a simple glittering black gown that did nothing to hide her swollen belly’s beauty. Her hair was draped over her shoulders and her eyes were sparkling with joy.

And Rhys knew in that moment that he would do anything to keep that joy in his mate’s eyes, he would give her the freaking stars if she asked.

She stopped in front of him and he opened his arms for her. She placed her hands on his shoulders and Rhys swiped her up by the waist, onto his lap and crossed her legs over his.

“Feyre darling,” he purred in her ear.

She smiled at that and answered with a low voice, “Rhys.” Then she moved her hands to his hair and brushed the silky smooth strands out of his face and massaged his scalp in slow, relaxing movements. He closed his eyes and released a deep breath.

“Tell me,” Feyre’s sweet voice sounded after a few minutes, “tell me what’s been bothering you so much.”

He looked at her then and he would’ve taken a dagger to his heart than tell her what he’s been keeping from her. That this baby that they both loved more than anything and who wasn’t even born yet, will be the cause of her death when he does. His beautiful, powerful, brilliant mate, the stars of his life and his whole world. The one who’d fought with him through his way out of the darkness and back to the light.

He’d rather die than sabotage her happiness so, he stuck to telling her only one of the things that’s been eating at him for the past few days.

“I have no idea if I’ll be able to send Aelin back to her home,” he said while looking at the fire, “What if she gets stuck here forever? Imagine just how awful that would be, away from her mate, her home, her life.”

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