Chapter 10

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The mist cleared and they were back in the common room at the river house not two hours after they’d left.

Feyre was instantly up, as if she’d been waiting anxiously for them, and scanned them all from head to toe, her eyes narrowing slightly and pausing an extra few seconds on Fenrys in his wolf form.

“Is everyone okay?” she asked as Rhys pulled her in a tight hug then kissed her brow.

“We are all fine,” he answered then gestured to Aelin and her court, “but I’m sure we would all like to know what that was about back there.”

Aelin straightened her back and looked at them all as she said, “Fenrys is a blood sworn member of my court, I would’ve killed Beron if he’d harmed him in worse ways,” she then added while looking at Fenrys expectantly, “and I am as oblivious as you all on how he got here.”

Fenrys shrugged, or as much of a shrug as it could be in his wolf form, and shifted back into human, still half naked, tanned skin gleaming with sweat and his hair now completely out of his usual braid and spread across large shoulders. He looked as striking and as good-looking as ever.

Before he could start talking, Rhys snapped his fingers and a black loose shirt appeared in Fenrys’ hands, startling him, but he took the hint and slung it over his head immediately, Cassian smiling at Rhys’ possessive glare.

Once decent, Fenrys looked at his Queen, “After you went to seal the gate and do the self-sacrificing bullshit without telling any of us,” that earned him a glare from Aelin, “Whitethorn here disappeared two hours later,” he said as he gestured to Rowan, “I was looking for you when a portal opened out of nowhere and-“

“Let me guess,” Aelin interrupted with a sigh and a roll of her eyes, “you walked right through it?”

He nodded and Aelin fought the urge to smack both of her fae males’ heads together, “How you two managed to survive for centuries is beyond me,” she said and both of them smiled at her, Fenrys sketching a bow.

But all humor vanished from his face when he continued, “I found myself before a large tower with all shades of orange and red.”

“The autumn court,” Feyre said and Rhys nodded.

“The guards spotted me and started asking me questions about who I am and all that,” he went on, “I told them my name and they thought I was bluffing and laughed.”

Aelin snickered, “I can’t imagine why.”

At everyone’s confused look Fenrys said, “You don’t want to know what my last name is,” he smiled when Rowan the bastard snorted and went on, “When I didn’t understand what they were talking about or where I was, they attacked me and I managed to cut down many of them before they captured me.

“They then took me underground to cells where they shackled me and began their work on trying to get information out of me,” his smile faltered and Aelin linked her hand through his then blinked four times when he looked at her, I am here, I am with you.

Because even though they’d gotten out, even though they weren’t there anymore, she knew that in these few hours when he’d been kept shackled in iron, that he’d been reliving all of it all over again.

All the daily torture and screams of agony that had erupted from both of them. All of the moments that they’d both wished death because it would’ve been a mercy.

He let out a shuddering breath, “Then guards appeared in front of me, kind of like the power that I possess, and then I was in that room and you were kicking ass, nothing unusual.”

Aelin laughed but Azriel interrupted, “What do you mean like the power you possess?”

Fenrys didn’t answer and instead disappeared and reappeared right in front of the shadowsinger, stumbling a bit before he gained his balance, Az not even flinching, his shadows clinging tighter to his wrists.

The two males held stares, the tension rising in the room and Az straightened his back, Fenrys smirking devilishly.

“I think it’s like winnowing except that he can do it only in short distances,” Rowan countered in and Fenrys jumped back to his side, Azriel relaxing once more.

“Then why didn’t you use it to escape?” Cassian asked as he cocked his head to the side.

“The shackles, they were made of iron,” Aelin said with a tight expression, “it snuffs out our magic and renders us useless as if we were choking on the air itself.”

Fenrys then added while gazing at the fire, “And I was unlucky enough for them to have iron shackles instead of any other metal.”

Aelin’s hands fisted so hard her knuckles turned white. Rhys had told her all about Beron’s cruelty but what she’d seen back in that room from him and what Fenrys was saying now was proof that Beron didn’t even have a hint of humanity in him and was well beyond redeeming. She mentally scratched him off on the plan with the humans.

She turned to Rhys then, her gaze turning hard, “How did this happen? Could Helion have opened many portals at once?”

Rhys shrugged, “It was his first time trying the spell, something could’ve  gone wrong and he could’ve opened many portals in different places.”

She grit her teeth but tried to keep her temper at bay, “Why didn’t  you wait for me to wake up to try the spell? I could’ve gone home and if it hadn’t worked at least Rowan and Fenrys would still be with the armies, helping them. They are crucial assets and could alter the way things turn out in this war.”

Rhys didn’t seem bothered in the slightest, and instead answered softly, “I did not want to give you false hope in case it hadn’t  worked. And I am not the one who told your males to walk through random portals.”

“We wouldn’t  have moved without you anyway,” Rowan said as he put a hand on her back, easing the tension from her rigid body, “We would’ve waited for you to come back.”

Aelin startled at his words as if she’d  been slapped in the face and whirled on both males, “You knew I wouldn’t make it back alive, your only job was to get to Terrasen and defeat Maeve because I would’ve taken Erawan with me.”

“And you knew that it wasn’t  your burden alone,” Fenrys shot back, “Dorian could’ve done it.”

She snarled, “It was decided.”

“By fucking voting,” Rowan bit out harshly.

She recoiled then, she knew that the decision had to be done somehow, and it's not like she wanted to die but she would've never let Dorian do it. She owed him as much, he'd done his part by risking his life and bringing her the keys and she'd done hers.

Death had been the only thing she was born for after all.

“Well,” she said lowly as she spread her arms wide, “we’re all here now and I am not dead, so stop bringing it up” she added and both males glared at her.

She turned back to Rhys, “I need Helion to cast that spell again as soon as he can, we need to go back.”

Rhys nodded, “I’ll talk to him and see when he will be well enough to do it again since it exhausted him the first time.”

“Well now that our way back is settled,” Fenrys said, “you need to tell me all that’s happened while you’ve  been here and tell me who you all are.”

Aelin laughed then and waved him forward towards the nearest couch, “Come one, we have a lot to talk about.”

Hey everyone, I'm sorry it took me so long to post another part. Hope you like it❤️

Question: Who do you ship Fenrys with?

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