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“Where should I put it, My Queen?” The Terrasen soldier asked with a box in his hands as he stood in the throne room.

Aelin seemed to think about it for a moment before she gave in to her growling stomach. "Give it here," she said and stood up.

The soldier handed her the box and stepped back, "Thank you, you’re dismissed," she said before the man took his leave.

She glanced around, once, twice, till she made sure that she was alone in the room. The Queen then walked back to her throne, her Terrasen green dress trailing behind her and sat down before she opened the box eagerly and breathed in the sweet scent of chocolate cake, then sighing and staring at it as if it were the most beautiful thing to ever exist.

She took the first bite and almost moaned at how delicious it tasted, her head falling back against the throne.

She took another bite just as her consort flew into the room in his hawk form and shifted before landing right in front of his wife.

“Busted”, she said around a mouthful of cake with a laugh.

Rowan smiled, “Sneaking chocolate cake while on duty Aelin?” He as he asked as he pinched her nose.

She laughed and placed the box aside, "You were supposed to be training with the army," she said when she'd swallowed the last bite.

"And you," he said as he sat on the throne's arm and took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles, "were supposed to be acting more Queenly," he nipped at her skin and kissed her hand again.

"Well," she said with a smirk, "good thing that I'm a Queen," she added as she closed the distance between them and kissed him long and sweet.

She could feel him smile against her mouth as he too recalled the moment she'd told him the exact oppsite of these words.

It'd been almost six months since they'd defeated Erawan and Maeve. Six months since they'd finally been able to find a peace they'd always dreamed of in their world.

Six months since they'd started working on the better world they'd promised to create.

It had taken them almost two months at first for them to build everything from the ruins that were left after the war.

It wasn't easy of course, but thanks to the wealth that Rowan'd inherited from the Whitethorns, they were able to create an army for Terrasen and to rebuild the cities and castle.

Once they'd finally finished rebuilding everything, Aelin'd named Aedion and Lysandra the official Lord and Lady of Caraverre after they'd married.

And as for Lorcan and Elide, who'd only recently married, they'd claimed Elide's rightful title as Lady of Perranth and were currently ruling it as its Lord and Lady with Lorcan being constantly teased by his wife and Queen about his title; Lord Lorcan Lochan.

Chaol and Yrene's babe was recently born, a beautiful baby girl with her mother's soft tanned skin and hair and her father's eyes.

And Dorian couldn't have been happier about becoming an uncle, especially when he'd been dreaming about starting his own family with the Queen of witches for a while.

Aelin sighed, "Fenrys should be arriving today," she said, "we really need these alliances."

Rowan nodded, "It'll work, the Lord will definitely agree," he said with a smile, "since your letters have been nothing but convincing when it came to asking for peace."

Aelin smiled back at her mate, her husband, her consort, and fell even more in love with his handsome face.

Rowan'd been supporting her every step of the way that'd gotten them here, and he still does. Even with the silliest decisions, he'd been there had she needed to ask for advice. Of course, Aelin'd turned out to be more than capable of being a respectable ruler but still, there were some things she'd needed to ask him about since, unlike her, he'd had to act like the prince that he was most of his life.

The doors to the throne room opened and in walked a large white wolf whose fur had gotten even more beautiful over time.

Aelin smiled, "Welcome, Fenrys."

The wolf shifted and a Fenrys down on one knee with his head bowed appeared before them, "My Queen," he said, all seriousness.

Aelin rolled her eyes, "I told you not to do that unless we were in public," she said and stood up then walked down the few steps that had her reaching her friend.

"Sorry, out of habit," Fenrys said as he stood to his full height.

"So, what did they say?" She asked.

Fenrys smiled, "They agreed," he said and both Aelin and Rowan smiled, "but mostly because the Lord did not want to be referred to as 'a selfish toad who doesn't want peace'."

Rowan's eyes widened as his head shipped to his wife, "Aelin what did you-" but his words died when he saw her giggling with a hand over her mouth.

"A selfish toad?" Fenrys asked even as he couldn't contain his laughter, "Really Aelin? I'm grateful I'm back in one piece after a letter like that."

"But it worked didn't it?" She asked sarcastically and both males rolled their eyes at her, "And plus, there's a reason why you're my most loyal messenger."

Their laughter was interrupted when an unfamiliar feeling of a strong magic fell over the room and the three fae went as still as death.

"On your guard," Rowan whispered and all three of them took a position ready for conflict even when they couldn't place where the magic was coming from.

The sensation grew even more powerful when they finally spotted black mist forming in the far corner of the throne room.

Fenrys and Rowan placed themselves between Aelin and the unknown threat just as it began expanding.

Aelin sidestepped both males, "What is that?" She asked but her question was answered a second later when the maguc opened a large portal that ahowed familiar faces on the other side of it.

"I hope we're not interrupting anything," a voice like silken night said.

Aelin couldn't help the smile that spread on her lips as Rhys, Cassian, Azriel and Feyre with a babe in her arms crossed the portal into their world.

"Now that's a surprise I haven't been expecting," Aelin said with a laugh, "Welcome, all of you, to the castle of Orynth."

"Hello,Aelin," Feyre said with a smile and the Queen rushed to her, hugging her tightly before marveling at their beautiful baby in her arms.

"General," Rowan said as he nodded to Cassian.

Cassian nodded back, "It's good to see you again, Prince."

Fenrys and Azriel were having their starting contest for all of a minute before they crossed the distance between them and shook hands firmly.

Once they'd all shared their greetings, Aelin clasped her hands together, "I'm more than happy to see you all here," she said, "I've been wanting to visit you for a while but," she gestured around herself, "being a Queen doesn't really allow it," she added with a wink.

"I'm glad to see you were able to claim back your world," Rhys said.

"So are we," Rowan said with a small smile.

"So," Aelin said as she turned around and began heading out of the room, "shall we start with a tour of the castle?"

Everyone smiled as they followed her outside of the throne room and into a place where their friendship will only grow even more.

                         ~THE END~

First, I want to thank you all readers to have supported me through this amazing journey that I'm hoping to go through again. That was my first time ever writing anything and let me tell you; it was the most amazing experience of my life. Second, I want to thank Sarah J Maas for creating these truly unique characters that have left an impact on my life more than anything else. Throne of Glass was the first series I ever read and the one I still treasure the most. And last, I hope that I'll be able to start something of my own one day, a story that will be wholly of my creation.
But until then, to the stars that listen and the dreams that are answered💫❤️

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