Chapter 12

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“That was the last crate,” Fenrys said with a grunt as he placed the last wooden box of ten that were filled with all kinds of supplies on top of another one.

“Thank you,” the frail, human woman whispered lowly from where she stood with an arm around her daughter’s shoulders, gaping at all Fenrys had done to her home with help from Cassian.

That was their supposedly last day in this world, their last day with new friends they’d made under circumstances no one could ever imagine, their last day feeling the kind of peace they would have to let go of when they went back to Erilea.

Rowan, Aelin and Fenrys’d decided that they wanted to spend their last day helping Rhys and his court in their plan for the human lands, not that they needed the help. Rhys’ magic had done most of the work and they were merely making the finishing touches and interacting with the people to try and build a better bond with them.

It had mostly worked, especially with Aelin’s charm that had been a big help in getting the humans to trust them. She’d spent her time going from house to house, a bright smile on her face and spilling kind words that’d eased the distrust that had rigidified most people’s bodies away from them.

And so, as Fenrys stood in the too small house for his too large body, he tried his best at a reassuring smile like Aelin’s and could imagine his Queen laughing at his miserable attempt then turned around to head out to the next house when he felt a pull at the sleeve of his shirt.

He peaked over his shoulder to find the young girl standing behind him with a hand clutching something tightly to her chest, her head tilted up to look him in the eyes.

He turned to her fully and crouched in front of her, “Yes?” he said with a tilt of his head and she tilted hers in mimic.

Her courage to approach him had him smiling and the girl extended her now open hand that revealed a small wooden horse carved clumsily and that looked like the work of a child.

Fenrys picked it up and turned it over in his palm, “For me?” he asked and the girl nodded, “Thank you, it’s very beautiful,” he said and the girl blushed and went back to her mother, her courage from a second ago, gone.

He stood back up and bid them farewell before he stepped out of the house with the toy still held in his hand and found Whitethorn waiting for him outside.

“Getting attached, are you?” he said as he looked pointedly at his hand.

Fenrys clasped him on the shoulder and said with a smirk, “It’s called friendliness, brother. You could use some of it.”

Rowan scowled and shrugged off a chuckling Fenrys’ hand, but they were both interrupted when one of the three Illyrians landed beside them.

“We must go back, most of the work is done and Helion should be coming to the river house any second now,” Cassian said as he stretched his arms and wings.

Both males nodded and Rowan said before he shifted, “I’m going to find Aelin and we’ll return together,” and then he was gone.

Fenrys smiled at how in love his old friend was, he’d barely spent an hour away from her and had already started fidgeting with the need to find her again.

He couldn’t blame him really, not when he’d spent over two months searching for her, knowing that she was being tortured and in an unknown situation. He was even surprised he’d agreed to split up with her in the first place.

He shook his head and swept his thumb over the smooth surface of the wooden horse then looked at Cassian who was gazing at him questioningly.

“You good?” he asked when Fenrys approached him so they could go back.

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