Chapter 6

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The first thing Aelin realised when she woke up was that she had the worst headache ever and that it was likely to stay with her for the next few days till she got back her energy fully.

The next thing she noticed, and which got her halting her breath midway in and falling completely still, was an eternally soft scent that she would remember till the end of times. One that she would always find her way back to. One that she’d promised to spend a thousand years waking up to.

She sat up abruptly in bed and whipped her head to the source of that scent, disbelief written all over her face, because the Gods had to be messing with her head. There was no way he could be here. It couldn’t be real. She must’ve gone mad from the heartache she’d been feeling and started imagining things.

But it seemed the Gods were favouring her today, because on her right, seated on a chair placed to face her bed, there he was, whole and as beautiful as ever, Rowan was staring at her as if she were the only thing that would ever matter to him with tears welling in his eyes.

Their gazes locked, and the dead themselves could have risen and she wouldn’t have been able to look away. As if that void that’s been inside her was filling itself with her mate’s face’s beauty, Aelin stared into those unique pine green eyes and whimpered at first then began sobbing, the weight of days without anyone she knew with her, becoming unbearable and crashing down on her.

She’d been trying for days to hold it all in, the tears, the ache, the anger, but the fact that she was in another world she knew nothing about and with no one with her had been too much. She’d been trained for many things ever since she was a child, but to survive in a whole other world? It’d been too much, but now Rowan was here, her mate, he carranam, her husband, and she was letting everything out.

Rowan moved then, soundlessly and as graceful as ever, he sat next to her on the bed and gathered into his arms so that she was sitting on his lap, wrapping himself around her with her head into his shoulder and her arms around his middle.

He let his own tears flow as he brushed the top of her head and placed soft kisses trailing down till he kissed the tears that escaped her glowing turquoise eyes.

“Fireheart,” he whispered lowly, then finally reached her lips and kissed her slowly, softly, as if he were tasting her for the first time.

He was here, everything and everyone else could’ve gone to hell in that moment and it would’ve been alright because he was here, with her. Rowan had come for her.

After minutes, maybe hours of kissing, silently, Aelin pulled back and cupped his face with her hands, touching his hair, his lips, his cheeks, as if she still couldn’t believe that he was real.

“You’re here,” she said with a hoarse voice as more tears rolled down her face.

Her disbelief made his heart ache. Only the Gods knew what she’d been through in this foreign world with no one to trust and rely on but herself.

Rowan wiped away her tears as he smiled at her and said with a raw voice, “I’m here Fireheart, and I’m never letting you go again.”

Almost and hour later of kissing and hugging and more crying, the ice of longing for each other’s warm love melted away.

“How?” Aelin asked, still pressed to Rowan’s chest, not wanting to let go for a second.

He brushed the long strands of her shimmering golden hair, “I have no idea,” Aelin pulled away with a confused expression and he went on, “This portal opened out of nowhere almost two hours after you were gone, and I just walked through it.”

She stared at him flatly, “You walked through a random portal that appeared out of nowhere?” Rowan nodded and she mentally face palmed herself, “what if it hadn’t led here you Buzzard? What if it was to some old-fae-bastard-eating world?”

He smiled widely to see her back to her good spirits, “Then your old fae bastard would have found another way to get to you.”

Butterflies fluttered around in her stomach as she felt a bit dizzy, as if drunk on love and she sighed, leaning her head on his chest, “As angry as I am with your recklessness,” he pinched her backside and she jumped up with a yelp and a laugh, “I am more than grateful that you’re here now.”

More moments went by, the something occurred to her, “Wait,” she said and Rowan’s eyes went wary at her tone, “you said two hours?” he nodded and Aelin’s eyes widened, “Rowan. I’ve been here for four days.”

I know this is a short part but it was mostly just a cute Rowaelin scene and I'm trying to figure out how to move on with the story so it might take a while
Stay safe and thank you for reading ❤️

Question: What do you think Rhysand's last name is?

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