Chapter 8

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The next day couldn’t have come sooner, Aelin’d stayed up all night talking to Rowan, asking him what’d happened while she’d been gone and telling him in return all she’d learned about this world.

She needed to go back to Erilea but, as if this world was calling for her, she couldn’t bear the thought of leaving before doing the best she could to help the humans.

And what she couldn’t admit to herself was that she was avoiding going back. Going back to all the responsibilities and burden of being a princess who was expected to save her land, because here, she was no princess or Fire Bringer. She was simply Aelin. Aelin a woman who’s only wish in this world was to live her thousand years with her mate and eventually die peacefully.

She’ll be damned if the thought of staying here hadn’t crossed her mind.

But the thought had fled out of her head just as quickly when she thought of how selfish it would be. She owed it to her people and her friends who believed in and loved her to go back home and beat the hell out of Maeve and Erawan.
Aelin and Rowan headed to the common room where everyone was gathered and waiting for them. Rhys had told her all she’d need to know about the High Lords last night and who was with and against the idea of allying with the humans.

Rhys, Az, Cassian and Feyre were going to go with Aelin and Rowan to the Dawn Court where Thesan will be holding the meeting, and Mor and Amren were going to stay in Velaris in case anything happened.

The Illyrians and the High Lady were dressed in Night Court black while Aelin and Rowan had picked matching Terrasen green tunics that would mark them as foreigners.

“Are you ready?” Rhys asked them as they halted before him, chins raised high.

“Yes, if you don’t have anything to add about the High Lords, then let’s go save humanity,” Aelin said with a small twist of her lips.

Cassian laughed and said, “I really like you Aelin Galathynius.”

“Likewise General,” Aelin answered with a genuine smile.

Feyre approached Aelin and placed a gentle hand on her arm. Aelin then linked her hand with Rowan’s and black mist began forming around them with the sweet sensation of darkness as Feyre winnowed them to the meeting.

Rowan was as stiff as a board the whole time, not having known what to expect from winnowing for the first time, and his shoulders had immediately relaxed as the mist had cleared and the most beautiful house he’d ever seen towered before them.

“It’s so beautiful,” his wife sounded his thoughts as she beamed at Thesan’s home.

Feyre stepped forward then, with a smile on her face, “It is indeed one of the most remarkable houses of Prythian.”

A servant came forward and gestured in front of him, “Welcome. The meeting is right through here.” He said and they all followed him.

As they took step after step, Aelin noticed the shift of Rhys and his court, they had a very serious expression on and with each movement they seemed to grow even more dangerous than they already were, as if their magic was simmering in the air around them. They all looked terrifying.

The General and Spymaster were on either side and in front of their High Lord and Lady, their backs straight and their wings stretched above them proudly and Azriel’s shadows slithering around him in a menacing way.

The Queen and her consort made sure to look just as every bit frightening.

They reached double doors that opened as soon as they got close and that revealed a vast, beautiful room with a small fountain and a table were five High Lords were sat.

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