That's one terrible story-, sry I meant storm

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'Only the best die young'

-My gravestone engraving when I get really old, like 80 or 90

I apologise in advance for all sarcastic comments. I really don't like this story.

Kawumm! I startled up and a shrill light flooded my room. Blinking I saw around and yawned.

Funny thing I actually yawned writing this. Not so funny thing I spelled it wrong really often and now it's getting annoying.

I was in my room, in my reading chair. I must have fallen asleep while reading.

Oh really, and I thought u play mario car in a reading chair.

I stand up und looked out of the window. I blinked, looked to the right, looked to the left and then out of the window again. I just thought I saw something outside, but now it's pitch black, since no lightning's lighting up the sky.

Or how we say in German Es ist stockdunkel. Not sarcastic, just think it's funny.

I searched for the light switch, when I found him I pressed it immediately.

Aww is someone scared in the dark?

Finally I was able to see something. I quickly looked out of the window and made a big step forward. Suddenly piercing pain shot up my leg. ,,Ouww!", my eyes watered, I stepped on my Schleich- Cheetah.

Seriously, why did they always hurt so much to step on? Almost as bad as Lego's, almost.

I ignored the pain and looked out of the window, I suppressed a scream. On the street outside a tornado is put together, immediately I checked my phone. ,,Weird", I mumbled :" there's no tornado warning." Despite all fear I went out on the street.

U really wanna die huh? Fears the dark but not a fricking tornado, στυπιδω.

When I arrived, the tornado suddenly rotated much faster than before and narrowed, all air left my lungs and suddenly I blacked out.

HmMm I wOnDeR wHy????

When I awoke I wanted to stand up, but when I leaned onto my left arm I crashed, like a card house. I must have hurt my arm while I was unconscious. 

Suddenly I heard a voice, a high pitched, squeaky voice. ,, Are u ok? I really didn't mean to hurt ya!". I turned towards it:,, Oh by Zeus's Underpants! A giant gecko!", I screamed. ,,Gecko?!", the ...creature... seemed really pissed:,, I am a Mongolian Kiodaper. The most beautiful dragon of the world!"

It could also be a Kioclaper, I can't really read my hand writing.

I looked again. Okay, a gecko actually doesn't has wings, can't talk and isn't like one meter big. "Hellloo?", I started:,, um I am Sila." ,,Hi. I'm Kiaro", said, well Kiaro:,, you have to help me! Do u see the storm?" I nodded.

Yk I really didn't see the tornado outside my window who smashed me against  whatever I forgot to write.

,, So the storm was made by Diamor, a Chinese Spikesback. He will destroy everything if u don't  say the magical spell only a human can say." ,,And how does it go?", I asked. ,,You know it already. You Are the chosen one the dragon masters choose."

I honestly just don't know what to say anymore.

,,Ok Sure",  I, in fact, knew it, and spoke it out loud:

The nexts gonna be funny :) for me at least.

,, Hanati kuta miroto kalabruschka malokanti havanita malady!"

Suddenly the clouds left the sky and the sun shone. ,,Goodbye Sila", Kiaro stretched it's wings:,, from now on we are connected, kurata!"

Jacob black vibes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It disappeared behind the Horizont and I said:,, Goodbye, Malito." I turned around and got back inside.

Ok, first off. I'm sorry. 

If u ask urself in what time this plays, I honestly don't know. 

I still remember trying to make the language sound like Latin and now I think it's just absolutely hilarious. Also here's a lexicon mini me made for the Dragon Language:

Kurata: Master   Kinky-

Malito: Friend    Dude got friend zoned, L in the comments pls

Kiaro: ambassador 

Diamor: shadow

Hanati ... bla bla blub... malaru: Go out of our hearts, shadows of the dark, the light of      friendship will drive you out!       I don't think my little pony effected my life that mu-

Sila: Saviour

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