Chapter 5 : One Night Together

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The evening drew in. Your friends were all huddled together in your bed as you rushed between your bedroom and the en suite, readying yourself for Miss Romanoff.
"And guess what, she didn't even know my fucking name until today! But here I am, nervous out my fucking mind and freaking out over which perfume I use for her."
The girls shouted friendly reassurances your way as you pulled on far too many variations of outfits and sprayed far too many variations of perfume in their direction.
"It's getting late, Y/N. You don't wanna be late."
Maria flashed her phone screen at you, showing you the time. She was right, you best get a move on.
Now, you didn't have time to switch outfits. You were left in something perhaps a little too revealing. You felt like changing, you didn't want Miss Romanoff to get the wrong impression but you had to leave now, or you wouldn't make for 8pm.

You travelled half the way with Carol and Wanda, who's flats were nearby. They wished you luck, each planting an amiable kiss on your cheek and squeezing your face before leaving you to go the rest of the walk solo.

You arrived at what you hoped was her doorstep. She lived down a long, paved road in a quiet neighbourhood - each house significantly spread apart. If this wasn't her place, you'd need to walk all the way back and into another. You'd definitely be late.
You took three deep breaths and rang the doorbell, tapping your foot as you waited. With every second passed, you became more and more nauseated - contemplating wether this was a good idea or not. Before you had a chance to abandon the situation, which you were idiotically yet seriously considering, Miss Romanoff opened the door and invited you in. Her house was nothing short of lavish.
"I didn't realise university lecturers got paid so well?"
You joked, cutting the silence between you.
"Huh?" She replied with a grin on her face, leading you through to another room.
"This house is like, triple the size of my childhood home."
"You suck at complimenting things, Y/N." She laughed before opening a door and allowing you to step through first.

She'd laid out some sheets and pens on a matte black desk, two white seats on one side beside each other. You sat in one as she joined you in the next. The room was dimly lit, but appropriate enough for you to see without strain. She was adjacent you and for quite some time, you remained composed and she took you through the course slower and simpler. After just over an hour, you glanced over at the digital clock on a shelf at the other side of the room.
"I'm thinking the same."
She cut your train of thought.
"It's getting late, the weather is terrible and I don't want you walking back when its's too dark and quiet."

She organised the sheets and handed them to you in a file, neatly packed away. You stood and took them from her, thanking her as you did so.
"No, really though, Y/N. Can't one of your friends walk with you. Or I will. Or a taxi?"
You couldn't help but be flattered by her concern. It was most likely just because you're one of her students, but you like to think otherwise.
"I'm a big girl. I know how to handle myself and I'm sure I'll be fine on a short walk home."
"Not happening. Choose an option or I'll choose for you."
She was stern in tone. You faced down, the by-standing nerves of the night finally showing their head.

You were now situated in the front lounge. Miss Romanoff sat back on the couch, waiting for what she assumed was a decision from you.
"My friends will be asleep, they're sensible and sleep early on weekdays. I'm not letting you walk with me and I'm also not ordering a taxi."
You spoke with fabricated confidence which had originated from God knows where. It was utterly unlike you.
"I'll order you one."
"I won't get in it."

She raised her brow at you, grinning a little at your composure.
"I'm sorry Miss Romanoff but, you don't need to worry about me."
You completely changed your tone, your conviction buckling from one lecherous look.
"Call me Natasha for now. We're not on campus."
You cleared you throat, readying yourself to use her first name.
"Well...Natasha. I think I'll go before it truly gets too late."

She followed you to the door and it seemed you'd gotten your way. However, as you went to turn the handle, she pressed her hand against the wood.
"I really, don't feel comfortable letting you walk."
"I promise, Natasha. I'll be fine."
She huffed, yet didn't remove her hand. It seemed as if she was battling a conflicting inner dialogue as she hung her head in thought.
"Technically, this is not allowed in any books, but...could you just stay the night."
You stood in silence, quite bewildered by her request.
"I wouldn't ask if I wasn't so concerned but your first class is with me tomorrow anyways, I could just drive us onto campus."
You remained speechless, running through decisions in your head.
"Please say something before I freak out."

You giggled a little at her worry, finally responding to ease her tension.
"I don't have any stuff with me."
"Borrow some of mine."
Natasha tapped her foot, running her thumb across the same material patch of her sweater, her eyes darting back and forth between you and the door handle. You wondered how long she'd been considering asking you to stay.

To be honest, you'd landed on your answer when she'd first asked. You just liked seeing her squirm to fill silence like she did to you.
"I'll stay. Only if you're sure, though. And, I'm guessing this stays a secret - obviously."

She huffed, smiling while releasing a sigh of consolation.
"Yeah, our secret. Okay?"

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