Chapter 32 : Single

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Eventually, you slid your way out the bathroom and Natasha rose to meet you. You didn't know what to expect of her, though she just toyed with the damp skin of your arm whilst speaking.
"Let's go out. Then we'll really know what we want to do."

Natasha had some strange hidden talent for finding the most obscure and expensive joints to visit. The bar she chose was a speakeasy, bustling with people and live music. It was dark to the point of disorientation, though that didn't matter as Natasha's hand led you through the bodies. You were having flashbacks to your university days, clambering through a crowd behind her.

She ordered a drink on your behalf, which you were unsure about. However, she got it spot on, as usual. She was half hanging off the barstool whilst ordering, so you deemed this an appropriate place to sit. Perhaps being out in the open, prying eyes of others would force you both to behave.

You crossed your legs, as did Natasha whilst taking a sip of her drink. Your eyes were fixated on one another, a burning desire flickering between you. Natasha hadn't lost the art of revealing clothing, and apparently neither had you as her eyes slicked down you without shame.
However, hers weren't the only ones.
"You here alone, lady?"
You weren't sure who the question was directed towards until you felt a foreign arm snake its way round your waist. You peered up and above you there was an older man sporting some chunky glasses. To be honest, he didn't look bad - you just didn't lean that way.

As soon as you'd noticed the piercing looks splattered across Natasha's face, you couldn't help but poke fun.
"No, but I could be for a guy like you."
The stranger placed his palm on your mid-thigh, stroking your leg with his shoulder slowly turning away from Natasha. He was speaking to you, but of course, you weren't listening. As he drew in closer, you were running your outer ankle up Natasha's leg, telling her to come get what's hers.

Before he could go any further, Natasha's hand was on his shoulder, pulling him back sternly. His demeanour was disappointed, but somehow totally unsurprised.
"She's taken, actually." She hissed.
"By you?"
Natasha was regarding you as opposed to the recipient of her conversation.
"Unfortunately not. She's got a girl at home."
The man stuck his hands up in acceptance and defeat before disappearing into the sea of bodies.

As you were now facing Natasha, you watched as the remainder of her drink disappeared down her throat. She then ordered two more.
"Do you need reminded that you're not single?" She jested, with an underlying hit.
You laughed at her audacity.
"Do you?"
She leant in, pulling your seat in closer with her foot.
"Only when I'm with you." She spoke into your ear.

Before she could retreat, you held her there by your palm against her jaw.
"The feeling is mutual."

You then sat back as the bartender arrived with your drinks. You swigged the remainder of your first and moved on. Before you knew it, you were six drinks deep, legs tangled with Natasha's, laughing obnoxiously loud at one of her idiotic quips.

"You still don't know your limits." She teased.
You knew she was trying to divert her own drunkenness. As she spoke, you thought about what her mouth might taste like, you hadn't been aware in so long. In imperfect timing, you were then reminded of her marriage to Steve. It was him who now knew what she tasted like. You peered down at her hands, noticing that she was without her wedding ring. Interesting.

Before your brain can catch up with your mouth, you spill truths towards Natasha.
"Who was better in bed?"
It suddenly occurs to you that you've interrupted her. Not only do you appear rude, there is no way to bypass this question. To your delight, she merely chuckles at you.
"I think you know."
"No, I don't." You slope towards her, which seems impossible given the current lack of personal space between you. Your faces are so close, you can smell Natasha's drink radiating from her lips. However, she's yet to respond.
"Tell me, Nat. Tell me why I was better."

You expect her to dismiss you, though instead she speaks clearly without breaking gaze.
"Things feel better when you're wet before you even start,"
It comes back to you, how everything tastes - not just her mouth.
"and only you do that to me."

Now, you know what you want, but do you have the guts to get it.

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