Chapter 21 : Rifts

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Natasha blanks you post-class, you attempt to catch her view a few times on your way out, however, her vision remains elsewhere.
"I can pick you up later if you like?"
This was the first time you'd noticed Maria in a state of evident awkwardness. Her voice was shaking a little and she was struggling to maintain eye contact with you.
"Am I making you nervous, Hill?"
She slapped your arm.
"Shut up and answer the question."
She held a door open for you, letting you through and holding her hand against the small of your back as you slipped past people.
"Why don't we go somewhere close? Are we not having a couple drinks?"

Carol called toward you both from the door you'd just walked through, Wanda following close behind.
"Just come to mine later? We can decide from there."
Maria closed the conversation, shushing you a little as Wanda approached. You realised they hadn't truly discussed anything and became quite suddenly troubled.
You were already keeping one, pretty big secret. You weren't sure how many you could keep under wraps if another were to show it's head.

You passed the spare time in your flat napping and attempting to catch up with the masses of work you'd fallen behind on. You'd messaged Natasha a few times, nothing too extensive, yet she still gave you no reply. Honestly, you just wanted some help with the coursework.
Evening was leaking through the glass of your kitchen window. You twisted the charm of Natasha's necklace between your fingers, just wishing she'd talk to you.

Your phone lit up in the dim light, a text coming through, but not from her. Maria wondered when you'd be at hers.
You ignored it, planning to text her when you were leaving.
After having spent extra time on your appearance this morning, you had little need to do much before departing. You slipped into a fitted silk dress, it fell short on your legs and slacked at your chest. You rummaged for a moment realising that this was the most appropriate garment of 'date night' clothing you owned - which was quite disappointing.

You smoothed your hands down your front and ruffled your hair - slipping into some shoes, replying to Maria, throwing random items into a small bag and calling a taxi.
The walk would've been short, but it was raining.

Maria greeted you at the door before you'd even buzzed up.
"Someone's desperate to see me."
She leant in to kiss your cheek. Since when was she chivalrous?
"When you look like that, who wouldn't be."
She was partly ready, her top half dressed, her bottom half still in slacks. It didn't take her long to finish up and when she did, you couldn't help but stare.
You sat on her bed, your back against the headboard, only covered partially by the blankets. She ran her hands through the front of her hair, ushering for you to stand. She took your hand in her own and led you to the front.

Surprisingly, you find yourself enjoying the date. Maria insists that she take you for dinner before drinks, joking that if you didn't get some food in your stomach, she'd be carrying you home after one cocktail.
Unfortunately, she was probably right.
She pays for dinner, utterly unwilling to split the cheque. You're overcome with the occasional flash of guilt as you habitually toy with Natasha's necklace, however, Maria quickly snaps you out of it each time. You can't deny the growing connection between you.

You insist that you pay for drinks - unwilling to take no as an answer.  Thankfully, neither yourself nor Maria had ordered many. Your bank account was grateful.
She walks you home and kisses you gently before leaving, not a single sexual advance made the entirety of the night. It was clear, she really did want to do this 'right'.

The following lessons with Natasha were nothing short of torturous. In fact, her tolerance for you seemed to decrease day by day. Despite her complete lack of communication with you in person, she also made no effort through text. You were growing tired of her ignorance.

You saunter towards her desk at the end of a lesson, sending your 'friends' on their way and claiming you need tutoring again. They buy your lie (to an extent).
She doesn't acknowledge your presence, yet you're sure she knows you're there.
You clear your throat, continuing again.
"Miss Romanoff?"
She peers up at you through her brow, an unamused look upon her face.
"I'm inviting you to mine, right now, and you have to come."
She sighs, packing her belongings messily into her bag and folding her arms while looking at you.
"Because, Natasha, you've avoided me for too long now. We're still technically together - remember? I just wish you'd act like it."
She seemed somewhat pained by your desperation, her evasive behaviour fading. Nodding, she stepped forward and cupped your face, placing a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose.
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry. C'mon, let's go then. I'll drive."

You hold the door open to your flat, allowing her in first. She smiles a little as she walks past, removing her coat and hanging it up. She'd held your upper thigh the entirety of the journey, as she always did. You took it as her silent reassurance.

She curls into you on the couch, wrapping her arms round your neck and pulling you into a kiss. You make her tea and talk lightly, falling in love more with every passing second. The evening drew in and you found your eyes growing heavy. Natasha hadn't spoken for some time, though you just put it down to fatigue.

Eventually she spoke up, and as you peered up at her, the look on her face concerned you.
"Did you go on that date?"
You sat up, shaking yourself of exhaustion.
"I don't want to talk about this."
She purses her lips, you could sense a bitter tone overcoming her.
"I just wanna know if you're sleeping with her."
"We didn't...if that's what you're asking?"

She's silent again, twiddling her fingers as you wait for her to continue.
"I don't want you to."
Running your fingers through your hair, you found yourself somewhat irritated by the situation.
"Can I just say, you asked for this."
"I didn't ask you to sleep with anyone."
"You asked me to date someone. Usually, they come hand in hand."
You didn't want to argue with her, you'd done enough of that. She seems to shy away from you, sensing your increasing annoyance.

You lift her hand into your own and squeeze it, lifting her chin with your index finger and cupping her face. She can't hide her upset.
"Do you wanna stay over? Forget we even spoke about this."
She shook her head, no. Removing your hand from her cheek, she placed it gently back to it's original position and stood to leave. You were oddly humiliated by the rejection.

She drags her jacket from the rack and slips it on, stood for a moment at your door with her head down, it seems as if she's contemplating her words. She comes to the decision to say none, walking through and closing it behind her without even saying goodbye.

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