Chapter 10 : This Is Wrong

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"What the fuck was that all about?"
You turned, facing Maria as she pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Something's going on, Carol and I will get it out of her. Don't worry, we'll make sure she doesn't tell anyone."

You shed a number of tears, yet not allowing yourself to break out into full sob. You weren't as much upset about Wanda being unaccepting, as you were upset about the possibility that she'd tell someone. Then it'd spread. Natasha would lose her job and then she'd have to move away. It's a dangerous butterfly effect that you'd rather not tamper with. You laid your forehead against Maria's shoulder, finding comfort in the scent of her perfume.
You can't deny your attraction to her. She was exactly your type in a girl - and she was age appropriate which made it socially easier, but less interesting. In fact, when you'd first been introduced to her, you found it difficult to maintain eye contact as she made you so nervous. Her physical, touchy dynamic with you didn't help.

You walked her out front, assuring her that you'd be okay and asking her to inform you when she found out what was going on with Wanda. She lingered in the door frame a little, almost as if she wanted to hang back. Her bottom lip was sealed between her teeth, trapping any words she wanted to say to you. In a spurt of truth, you stood before her, uttering later to be an embarrassing revelation.
"Y'know, Maria, when I first met you I had the biggest crush."
She stared, ogling you a little while finding a response.
"You're kidding."
"Not at all."

She seemed a little stuck for words, which made your face heat up with regret. You began to wonder why you'd even told her that in the first place.
"Well...aren't you with Miss Romanoff now?"
"I'm not sure if I should answer that or not."
She tugged on the collar of your shirt a little, bunching the edge into her fist and pulling you in.
"Do you wanna have a little fun before you get hitched to our professor?"
You glanced up at her, already wanting to press your lips to hers, but instead you pushed her hand from you - gently stepping back and clearing your throat.

"We're friends, Maria. I'm sorry if I said something that..."
"It's fine."
She faced away from you, hunched as if immediately questioning her actions.
"See you."  She muttered quietly before leaving.
You were alone in the landing, stood behind the closed door as a flood of emotions washed over you. Tears sprang from your eyes as you climbed the stairs back up to your apartment.

At least you were visiting Natasha later. Perhaps she could offer you some advice that can only come from someone older.
The day ticked on. Your phone was unsurprisingly dry. The groupchat, which would usually be causing your screen to ping with notifications every other second, had laid dormant since earlier's uproar. Maria had undeniably told Carol about your incident with her, so you'd heard little from either of them and nothing from Wanda.
You did yourself up in an attempt to lighten your dull spirits, waiting for the clock to turn an acceptable time for you to head to Natasha's.

As the hour rolled round, you found yourself stood at Natasha's door a little giddy but nevertheless, your mind still glued to the ongoing conflict between yourself and your friends. However, seeing her face as she pulled you inside brought your mind to a completely different place.
After some gentle and unimportant small talk, you found the tips of her fingers dancing up your sides. You slid on top of her, pushing her back into the couch as your thighs spread on her lap.
"Remind you of the first time we met?"
She spoke between kisses, holding your head back with locks of your hair in her first and her hand on your jaw.
She dragged her lips from your collarbone, up the length of your throat before slowly taking her lips to yours once more. In the heat, her phone buzzed on the counter next to the couch.

Although you dislike this aspect of your personality, you pulled back from her, insisting that she check it out of your own insufferable nosey-ness.
She turned the screen out of your eye-shot and quickly checked the notification before setting it down again. As she leant into you, you retracted, questioning the buzz.
"Who was it?"
"No one important."
She leant in again, and once more, you withheld her from you.
"No, who is it?"
She remained silent for a moment, your suspicion growing under her inability to answer. You grabbed her phone as she grabbed your waist, attempting to inhibit you from checking. The phone lit up in your hand to display a short but telling message from 'Steve'. Mr Rogers.
Steve - Hey, I really enjoyed earlier. I knew I'd manage to get you on that date somehow. Business comes soon :), Steve.

Your conscious fell to the pit of your stomach as you comprehended the text.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Natasha?"
You stood, immediately making your way to the front door and grabbing your things.
"Wait, Y/N! It's not that deep. It was just one, to get him off my back."
"I don't care. I shouldn't have come here."
She grabbed your wrist on your way out the door. You pulled it from her bitterly, pushing your hand into your jacket pocket and walking away - afraid that the tempting tears would make yet another appearance today.
"Goodnight, Miss Romanoff."

You moved hastily down the long path that led to your professor's house, shivering from the cold, harsh air. Your upset clouded your judgement as you removed your phone from your back pocket and rang a number that most definitely didn't want to pick up. Not today. But to your surprise, it did.
The line opened, yet the receiver didn't utter a word, clearly waiting for your move to be the initial.
"Hey, Maria. Can I come see you? It's just been a super shit day and-"
"Are you crying Y/N?"
You wiped your eyes, breathing heavily in order to compose yourself.
"It's okay, Y/N. Come to my place, I'll be waiting."
You choked your way through a thank you before abruptly hanging up the call. Honestly, you'd felt significantly less upset until Maria had asked if you were crying. It set you off again and you had to let the stream free.

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