Chapter 19 : Love?

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The early hours of the morning drew in faster than expected, all of you forgetting that you had a 9am class tomorrow.
"I'd really love to sit here and watch you three flirt until daylight, but we do have class tomorrow."
You switched from Wanda's lap, jumping into Carol's as she rubbed her knuckles against your skull - messing your hair even further. Everyone then stood as you showed them out, each sharing a brief hug with you, Maria kissing your forehead gently.

Wanda approached you last as Maria and Carol made their way down the hall. She called after them, telling them just to go and she'd get home herself. They wished her a goodnight and were on their way.
She turned to you, touching her fingers gently against the waistband of your sweats, dragging them so that her fingers slid just a little beneath the hem.
"Wanda, what're you doing."
You pulled her back into your flat, closing the door with your heel.
"Now things are done between you and Miss Romanoff, I wanna do what I've wanted to do since I first met you."
She twisted the fabric of your slacks, pulling you closer and nipping at your neck.
"But what about Maria?"
She ran a trail of kisses from your jaw to your collarbone, sliding your vest out of the way.
"What about her? She got her fun with you, it's my turn."
Slowly, you were caving into Wanda's touch. If Natasha hadn't insisted that you find someone else to date (and subsequently cheat on) you'd have never allowed it to get to this point.

You secured the door, your hand messing with the lock for a moment as you kept your body pressed against Wanda's. It'd been a while since you had someone fuck you and judging by the way Wanda was viciously discarding your clothes, you could only assume that's all she wanted to do. She kissed and bit your lip, her hands, if not grabbing to feel every inch of your skin, were sweetly caressing your face - one palm on your waist the other on your jaw. She tasted sweet, her lips were soft and velvety and her kisses kind. She slid you onto the bed and allowed you to strip her of clothes too. Something neither Natasha nor Maria truly allowed.

You felt her hand travel downward and bit your lip in anticipation. Yet she stopped, merely running her hand against the skin of your waist and pulling you into her.
She was silent for a moment before speaking.
"We're not doing this tonight. I'm sorry."
She went to step back into her underwear, a regretful appearance staining her demeanour.
"Hey, hey, Wanda what's wrong? Did I do something?"
She turned to you, cupping your face and kissing you as gentle as ever. You were confused by her sudden shift in motive.
"No...I just feel as if I'm using you. Just because you, doesn't mean I should sleep with you just because I want to do it. You should want me too."
You leant back, bringing your feet up onto the bed and waiting a moment as you watched her dress. Oddly, you didn't feel shy beneath her gaze, making no attempt to cover yourself.

"We don't need to sleep together...yet."
She turned to you, her outer layers bunched in a pile, resting in her arms. She didn't utter a word.
"You can stay the night? If you'd like...I won't force you."
It seemed as if she were pondering her answer, she chewed her inner cheek like Natasha. You couldn't help but think of her. You were left there, wearing nothing but the necklace she'd given you.

"Are you sure, Y/N?"
"I'm sure. I promise Wanda, you're not using me. If I didn't want to, I wouldn't."
She dropped her clothes and slid into bed next to you. As you climbed beneath the sheets, you momentarily reached to undo her bra once again, before pulling your hands away - unsure of what she wanted.

She caught your uncertainty, sitting up to undo it herself and sliding her underwear off along with it - discarding both garments to the floor.
She pulled the duvets on top of you, her body moving with them as she kissed every inch of your skin. Despite the act being inherently sexual, this touch rang a different undertone. Every connection between her lips and your skin left a sizzling flame that burned you from the inside out. She kissed your lips, held you close, ran her fingers through your hair without a single finger disappearing inside you.

Was this what it truly felt like to be loved?

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