Chapter 9 : Handling

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You bite your bottom lip, tracing your index finger upward from Natasha's ankle, then touching her with your full palm upon reaching her knee. Your phone lights up at your side, a message from your friends. You slide your phone away, planning to act as if you never even saw it.

For someone who wasn't willing to be touched, Natasha removed her legs from their crossed position, spreading them beneath the desk and pulling her chair in further. The class of students would be none the wiser, most likely not even discussing the task - likely too enthralled in the recent gossip to inspect their lecturer's demeanour.
You crawled into the gap between her open knees, dragging your lips gently up her leg, stopping at the apex of her thighs. With your fingertip, you touched the fabric of her underwear only slightly, feeling the damp material beneath your skin as your phone continued to light up with messages.

You pulled on the hem at the side of her underwear, pushing it away to reveal her dripping and desperate. Your cheeks reddened at the sight. What you would give to feel her fingers laced in the locks of your hair, holding your head against her.
You watched as one, then two fingers disappeared inside her. You heard her groan lightly, covering it with a light-hearted cough. She bent down for a moment to scold you, a stack of paper in her hands as if she were filing. Her pleading desperations turned into threats of the later hour. She told you you'd pay for this 'bad behaviour' and you were sure you would, though at this moment, you didn't care.

She sat back up and slowly, you slid your fingers in and out of her, curling the tips and watching as she twisted in her chair with every push. You touched your tongue, barely, against her clit and again, she whimpered and coughed to conceal it. Drawing circles against her, you fucked her with a little more conviction, the fear of others noticing becoming fogged by the taste of Natasha. Her knees shut against your head, you could feel her shifting as she grew breathless and desperate. Suddenly, she moved back, pushing you away with the sole of her heel. You fell back as she stood, pushing the desk chair in and forcing you to move aside.

"Is everyone finished with the task?"
There was some light murmur, and Natasha abruptly dismissed the class. You waited for her beneath the desk, honestly, rather afraid of how she'd react. You'd barely kissed and suddenly your face was positioned in the space between her legs.

She leant down onto one knee and pulled you forward by the hem of your shirt, her knuckles white with the strength of her grip.
"I'm your fucking professor, Y/N."
"Yet you made no effort to stop me."
Her eyes darted between yours and your lips. She wanted to kiss you, she couldn't hide it, but the setting was wildly inappropriate.
"Come by mine later - you know the way."
You leant into her, brushing her lips as she moved from you. She held your face at a distance, her hand gripping either side of your jaw.
"You think you can kiss me after that behaviour? I asked you to be good and you did the opposite."
You felt inferior under the influence of her authoritative tone. You sensed that she liked control, you just hadn't realised to what extent.

She helped you from the floor, the corners of her mouth sinisterly upturned as she noticed your cheeks were a flared crimson, and you could find no words for reply. You cleared your throat, collecting your loose possessions and avoiding eye contact with her.
"When should I be at yours?" You were speaking at a volume no louder than a whisper, you felt her stare burning a hole in your counterfeit confidence.
"Anytime after eight." She lifted your chin with her finger, placing a mild yet definite kiss on your cheek before dismissing you.

You left the classroom, heading to your flat with an uncomfortable moisture resting between your legs. Your mind was running circles round your professor. What you were doing was wrong, yet you couldn't help it. You knew close to nothing about her, and her to you. Yet there was some tangible desire that drew you into one another every time.

Waiting outside your flat block were your three closest friends. They all slapped you around a little, all shouting indecencies and scolding you for falling off the face of the earth for a night.
"Now can we go inside? You have a lot of explaining to do."
Carol laughed, snatching your keys and opening the door herself.
Uncharacteristically quiet, Wanda was avoiding eye contact with you and acting a little less boisterous than usual. She slipped in before Maria, barely acknowledging you. You didn't think much of it, but were sure you'd question it in a moment alone with her.

Inside, the girls headed straight for your bedroom and piled on top of the sheets. Maria sat with her back against the wall, clearing a space between her legs for you to sit in. You laid between her thighs, leaning against her front and wrapping her hands round your waist. Perhaps your relationship with Maria was a little too physical. If Natasha saw this, you can assume that she'd be less than pleased. However, that was just the kind of friendship dynamic you shared with Maria.

Wanda sat at Carol's side, twisting an edge of the blanket between her fingers. Still reluctant to make eyes with you.
"So...fill us in."
Carol's intrigue into your personal life was never kept under wraps. You call it 'intrigue' because she's offended by the word 'nosey'.
"I don't know what to say guys." Your cheeks turn pink, and you pinch the area between your brows with your fingertips. You finally caught Wanda's eye and held her gaze, only for her to face away again as Maria squeezed your sides. Herself and Carol berating your for elaboration.
"Okay! Maybe I do like Miss Romanoff and maybe...maybe she's said she likes me."
Carol and Maria scream, Wanda attempts a smile, but you can see right through it. Now, you're desperate to know what's on her mind, but don't want to embarrass her in front of your other friends.

"I stayed at hers last night - only because it was dark and rainy and she didn't want me walking home alone."
"Bullshit!" Carol yelled, she just wanted you in her bed.
"Probably." You giggled a response.
"Anyways, she was pretty unsure about the whole thing. She made me sleep in the spare room, but she did kiss me a little in the middle of the night."
Maria leant into you, her mouth wide open.
"So no fucking?"
"No, Maria. No fucking."
You thought about revealing what had happened in class, but it's a bit premature and you'd only just uncovered what truly went down between yourself and Natasha.

Wanda coughed, her eyes glistening a little and her face paler than usual. Carol and Maria didn't bat an eye, but you were more than certain that something was off.
"Well...then what?" She asked, bluntly.
"Well, I was pretty pissed because she pushed me off after the kiss. But in the morning, she kinda admitted that she felt something for me. But y'know, the whole student and teacher relationship thing never goes down well with the general population."
Carol and Maria entered small chatter about how you had to seize this opportunity, then Carol went on to tease Maria about you having bagged an older woman before her. Maria didn't take it well.

Within all the chatter came Wanda's voice, loud and clear but shaking a little.
"Do you really think this is a good idea, Y/N?"
The conversation came to a close, eyes darting between yourself and Wanda.
"Why wouldn't it be?"
She sighed, uncomfortable in the prospect of confrontation.
"Because she's your fucking professor? And you're not doing a great job of keeping this quiet!"
You sat up from leaning against Maria, she held you back a little, her palms on your waist.
"Hey, it's Y/N's choice." Maria spoke quietly, clearly confused by Wanda's tone.
"It's a pretty stupid fucking choice. I'm only telling you the truth because she's your professor, it's weird! Do you know how much older she is than you?"

You suddenly felt as if you'd made a mistake breaking the the news to them.
"Get out, Wanda."
You held your hands together, fear growing as your concern for this getting out grew tenfold. She stood, her eyes red and blaring with tears, lifting her things and leaving. Carol ran after her, leaving Maria and yourself alone in your bedroom.

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