Chapter 15 : It'll Work

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You practically inhaled the glasses of water Miss Romanoff had given you and soon, you were feeling significantly less inebriated. You were now able to hold conversation with limited slurring and almost no stalling to comprehend what she was saying.

"You're shivering. I think you need out that sodden dress."
"You'd love that."
She slid in closer to you, running the back of her hand from your cheek down your neck.
"Mm I would, but we'll need to wait and see."

She helped you up the stairs, and you allowed her despite your inhibiting drunkenness having subsided. She brought you into her room, sliding the straps of your dress from their positions and allowing them to slack at your shoulders. She swiped her fingers against the thick layer of makeup on your damp neck, revealing the purpled skin beneath. It had faded, but not nearly enough.
You didn't speak as she remained silent, a tinge of hurt in her eyes at the sight of them.
"I know I can't be angry but...I don't like this."
"I'm sorry. It meant nothing."
Her expression didn't change.
"You know that's not the point, Y/N."

She continues to slip you out your clothes - turning away as the dress slipped past your ribs and exposed a continuous line of deep hickeys down your stomach. She stepped back, refusing to bear her face to you as she headed to the wardrobe. You stepped out the dress yourself, slinging it into an already existing pile of clothes in the corner. You crossed your arms round your stomach, feeling overly visible in just your underwear.

Natasha sauntered over, similarly exposing "pyjamas" folded in her hands. At least they were dry. She dropped them atop the edge of the bed and unfolded your arms, running her hands round to your back, pulling you in close to her.
"Don't be shy, Y/N. I think you're beautiful."
You laid your forehead against her shoulder, basking in the sweet mix of scents between her skin and perfume. You thought for a moment that you might love her.

"I'm sorry I stormed out that day. You must've been quite repulsed at how immature that was."
"How could I ever be repulsed by you, Y/N?"
She kissed your forehead, holding you tight as you melted into her.
"Do you feel like explaining anything to me now? I get if you don't, but the least I can do is listen."
She released you, eyeing you as you changed into her nightwear in yet another inappropriate setting.
"Steve and I agreements.
Even the mention of his name made you irrationally upset. Clearly there was a distinguishable maturity gap between you. She'd detected your change in manner and ran the back of her hand gently against your cheek.
"You'll need to elaborate on that, Miss Romanoff."
"Could you just call me Nat for now?"
You nodded as she adjusted the lining of your (her) vest.
"I can't say much more. Just know, this house comes from a lot more than a university professor's salary. I'm scared of rejecting him incase he cuts the ties. I like this life...and if he did cut things, I'm afraid he'd throw me under the bus. I just don't know what'll happen. I don't want to know. Do you like things the way they are?"
You nodded, somewhat comprehending the situation.
"Then, Y/N, things need to stay this way. I understand if I'm not enough, or this isn't enough, but this is all I can safely give you."

"Nat, you're all I want. I don't need anyone or anything else."
Her eyes flashed toward your neck, clearly unable to conceal her inability to believe you.
"These mean nothing. No one compares to you. I'd go to the ends of the earth to be with you. I don't care what anyone thinks."

You grabbed her waist, pulling her into your lips, desperately wanting to put proof against your words. Though, instead of blindly allowing you, Natasha pulled away. Thankfully, grinning a little.
"You need a hot shower, Y/N. The damp hair will give you a cold."

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