Ignore The Missing Link Talking

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                       Chapter One
Ignore The Missing Link Talking

"You should feel lucky," The police officer say and I shove him a deathly glare, he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. "Watch your tone, girly." He says accusingly as he's about to open the gate.

"I didn't say anything," I smirk. The policeman just sighs and opens the gate as his other mall cop joins him.

"How's it going, Joe?" He asks annoyingly happily. I roll my eyes as he directs himself to me.

"Are you ready?" He asks, "We going to a new home." He's tall and has messy brown hair, he looks relatively young, close to thirty. I follow him as I get out of the cell, I found myself driving to my own hell. The foster home.

The ride is silent, thankfully, allowing me to think further. I figure I could escape as soon as I reach to my new bedroom. But as soon as we get past the station, the scene change dramatically. And shocking, to better.

"I'm Roany, Roany Harris." He smiles brightly and I limit myself to answer him back. "What's yours?" He insists.

I sigh exhausted, "Does it really matter? I'm just some trouble kid you are driving and it's most likely that you'll never see again."

The neighborhood is one of the nicest I had ever been, and believe me, I know about shitty houses. He stops and I come face to face with my new home. The house's huge, white and has wide front yard with a variety of flowers and leafy trees. There's even a swing in the porch.

"Come on," he says as he opens his door and exits his car. He knocks the door and there's a female voice that asks; who's it? "Roany Harris, Madame." The door swings open and my eyes widen as a blonde woman jumps out on my newest friend; Roany.

"I have missed you, darling!" She states happily as she hangs from Roany's shoulders. She becomes aware of my existence and smiles wilder, "You must be Charlie, right?" She asks quite excited. Roany nods and she jumps at me, she covers me into a hug and my eyes widen. "Oh aren't you precious? I been waiting for you impatiently!" She finally pulls away.

"Charlie, this is my wife, Paige." She smiles as her unruly curls bounce off her face, her excitement scares me but it seems genuinely. The house smells like cinnamon and burned bread.

"What's that smell?" I ask and Paige gasps.

"Oh shit," She curses as she races to the kitchen. I give Roany a glare but he simply introduces me to their dinning room. The house is even nicer from the inside, even the set of plates look fancy. I sit down and question the contents on it, "What's this?"

Paige comes back to us with chocolate cake, she places it in the table. Her eyes shimmers as she explains me the menu that all looks like burned food.

"That's roast beef, smashes potato and salad." The salad is the only thing that looks edible, "Oh and for dessert there's vanilla cake." My eyes widen as I set my eyes in what I thought it was chocolate cake.

I put myself a lot of salad and little of the brownish food in my plate, I can feel the eyes of the lady on me as I eat.

"Oh! I love your hair, it's so colorful!" I look up to her and force an awkward smile. "You are going to love it in here! I got a son about your age, he's adorable, you'll get along so well." She begins to call him out and he soon replies a loudly; coming.

I can see their parents resemblance on the boy, he's tall, chocolate eyed as his father, and has the same crazy blonde curls from his mother. He stops as he gets a sight of me and asks; "Hello?" weirded out.

"This is Charlie, Charlie, this is Dean." There's a dead silence. "Charlie is going to stay with us from now and on! Isn't it exciting? It'll be like having a sister!" Dean makes a face at his mother, which kind of makes me feel better, I was starting to freak out of how well their parents were taking this whole situation.

"What?" He blinks. His mother's excitement dies down, she glances back at Roany unable to think what to do. "Isn't a homeless center, you can't just bring people in like that."

"Dean!" Her mom hisses.

I simply continued to eat my food and ignore the missing link talking. I could take him, in fact, I wanted to, but I was a little too hungry to do so. I'm hungry to the point I'm refilling my plate with the disgusting food.

"Take a seat, Dean." Roany orders firmly. He hesitates for a second but does. He clears his throat, "Charlie is staying with us and that's final." Dean wants to complain, but I can see that his dad has great authority over him because he shuts him up.

He sits down but not before saying; "Welcome to the family."

Oh joy.

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