It's Blue

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                           Chapter Six

                               It's Blue


I get out of the shower, I take the towel hanging from the rack, I proceed and dry my body off first. I glance down at my phone, just to make sure I am not late.

I put my underwear on and shirt, I take a look at the mirror, I frown at the sight of a yellowish post it note paste on the mirror.

'When I say turn the music down, you turn it down'

I tear it from the mirror, confuse by whatever this girl was trying to communicate about. The vapor covers up the mirror, I clean it off with my hand, so I could get a glimpse of my reflection.

"No way in hell!" That bitch wouldn't dare to. Not my fucking hair, not my motherfucking hair.

"You fucking twat!" I storm out of the bathroom, fist and teeth clench, I am going to kill her. My mom's eyes widen at my sight, so does my dad's but that little Charlotte bitch has a disgusting wide smirk upon her face.

"Do you want to be shred from limb to limb?"

"You seem so eager and interested in my hair, I thought I was going you a favor." She smiles, "Now we can be hair-buddies," She wiggles her eyebrows.

"I'm not going to sodding school with freaking blue hair! You fucking asshole!"


"It's like ninety degrees out here, get that cap off," Jason tries to get a grip on my baseball cap but I pull his arm whole. "Wow, what's your problem dude?" His eyes widen at my action, immediately, he backs away.

"Piss off," I order which only causes me to grow angrier, remembering her previous use of words. That foster Smurf. I'm pretty much about to beat up the first idiot that crosses my path and I don't promise he'll make it alive.

"Who crapped in your corn flakes, dickhead?"

If there's something that pisses me off more than neat freaks and dickheads would smartass. The type of people that don't need to study in order to get a decent B annoy me to no end.

But this girl, this girl is the winner. I notice her smirk as soon as I enter the classroom, my baseball cap is still on and I'm not planning to take it off. And it will stay in place since Mr. Moises will be in charge for the next hour.

Mr. Moises is our literature teacher, he's in love with the subject. I can see how he tries every time to make us love it as badly as he does but sadly, it has never happen.

"I want you to write this down since it's not in the book..." He begins talking about something I'm completely un-familiarize with, I look around at my classmates. People are texting, some are doodling and others like me are trying to get a jack of what he's saying.

"In the middle age there's not much site of castellan language because most poetics compositions were elaborated in gallego-Portuguese." He asks eager to see us raising our hands and fighting for speaking out. I hate literature, I wish we could just read a book and talk about it. This doesn't even concern us, this is the origin of Spanish language. But like every other bimester, we have to talk about the origins of specific languages that had a great influence in poetry.

"So Gallego-Portuguese was 'born' in-"

"Galicia." Everyone turns around to the sound of the voice in the back of our class. It's her, Charlotte fucking Evans, she has her eyes glued at her notebook as she writes on something that Mr. Moises has recently wrote.

He's surprised of her words, he gently nods, "That's right, Galicia." He turns around and writes the answer on the board.

"Now, what's important here is, why was gallego-Portuguese so important? Why is it that we don't find much of the Spanish language in the seventies?"

"Composer found it more proper when composing a poem." Again, the whole class turns around and the spotlight is on blue haired girl. This time, Charlotte looks up, she eyes us and and is surprised by the attention she's getting.

I can listen to her equally crazy hair partner ask her how the hell does she know such information, she just shrugs and continues writing.

I feel anger boil inside me, how the hell does she know all that shit? If it's not in the books, how does she know that?

I hate feeling stupid, I really do. Especially since I try my hardest not to be, I need to get my head suck into books to get an average grade of B or C. My teachers insist that I'm not stupid but it's pretty hard with all those people around me, especially does dickheads that go around NOT studying and get a B. While, I, give my soul and entire body for a bloody B plus.

This girl is on top of my 'burn in hell' list; she's a complete bitch that dyed my hair blue, but most importantly, she is smartass.


"Didn't you heard me, Harris?" The coach asks, all eyes are on me and I can't help but curse. Charlotte fucking Evans, oh when I get you. "Take it off."

"I have a hair condition."

Carter laughs, everyone does, "We know you are vain when it comes to your hair but this is just stupid, Dean. Take the bloody thing off."

I shove Carter a death glare, people around me start cheering; take it off, take it off. But it soon dies down when I do, for a moment there's only silence, until of course, Carter speaks up. Or more specifically, laughs his goddam ass off.

"Is that blue? That's motherfucking blue!" I jump at him, I don't wait a second or more, you can hear him begging for his life as I strangle him.

"You blue hair-hulk! You weight like a mother-holy cow! Get off me!" He keeps talking as I try my hardest to drown his face in the mud.

"I know it's sickening blue! I saw it this morning and I'll see it for the next few weeks!" This earns a laugh from Carter, he's really pissing himself off.

"You going to be stuck with for weeks? Please let me praise the lord."

"I'll fucking kill you!"

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