The Only Thing Shotgun Gets Is To Shut Her Cakehole

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Chapter Five
The Only Thing Shotgun Gets Is To Shut Her Cakehole


I settle my backpack in my new room, which is... incredibly big and neat, it weird, I'm used to having a room but really small spaced, dirty, and cold as hell. This one is warm, silent, the sheets, the wooden floor... it's pretty. It's a very pretty room. There's a partially empty book shelf on the right. My eyes widen at the books in it. Jane Eyre, Wethering Heights, The Cathing Ryer, The Fault In Our Stars, Hunger Games trilogy, even freaking twilight was there.

"Charlie?" Paige scares the heck out of me as she creeps out from my bedroom door. She giggles at my reaction, "Sorry. Can I come on in?"

I nod with a forced smile as she enters, "In your file, it said you liked to read. I wasn't so sure what type you liked so I asked the man from Barnes & Nobel for teen books." She smiles brightly, "Did you like any of them?"

"Thanks," I say surprised by her action and feeling a bit umcomfortable. "I do."

"If you want one in particular, we could go to Barnes & Nobel in the weekend?" She asks hopeful.

"S-sure," I say.

"Do you like your room?" She changes the subject quickly, "I didn't know which was your favorite color so I had to do white, but we can paint it if you want. Maybe blue?" She asks and her last words make me laugh.

"White is fine, Mrs. Harris."

"If you need anything, dear, please let me know." She smiles and approaches to me, my eyes widen and I'm stiff for a second. She hugs me gently, I feel Paige's warmth against me, she smells so nice, like cinnamon and roses, with a bit of burned food in it.

"Good night," She smiles and exit my room.


"Charlie," a soft voice whispers against my ear. I nearly jump out of the bed, Paige just laughs and opens the curtains. "Breakfast is downstairs, hurry, Dean is not a very patient guy." She winks and exits my room. I'm curious to know how the hell did she manage to have her son drive me to school. The woman might look harmless but she sure is powerful in this house.

I change quickly and brush my hair and walk towards the dinning room uneasily. This family is so nice it scares me. Roany is reading his newspaper while Dean has his ears plugged as he eats his cereal.

"Good morning," I greet them shyly, Roany and Paige reply to my greeting, Paige's wide smile quickly fades as she glares down at her son.

"Get those things off your ear." Her mother sounds annoyed as she rolls her eyes and walks back to the kitchen, "I made scrambled eggs! Do you want some, Charlie?"

"Hurry up," Dean says as he looks from his phone to me and back to his phone.

"Sure," She couldn't really screw up cooking eggs. I shove him a death glare, and continue to focus on Paige coming up with my eggs.

"And tomorrow I'm doing waffles!" She says quite excitedly to the table. Roany forces a smile, "I know last time didn't work out as well but I promise this time will work."

"Thanks for the food," Dean says as he hurries outside.

"Go brush your teeth!" Her mother sings and he groans, he races upstairs. I eat my breakfast at my own speed, turns out, Paige isn't as bad as I thought in the whole egg department. They are actually quite tasty.

"Did you like them?" She asks.

"Yeah," I smile uneasily at her enthusiasm, she has a really strange personality.

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