A Strange Chilly Sauce Night

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A Strange Chilly Sauce Night

I blink confused. I take a step back with a frown drawn upon my face. I don't say a thing, but I think about it; what does this mean?

At my lack of response, my mom seems to panic; "I know it's a lot to take, but Charlie really needs a safe environment to grow. I think we can give her that." The distant sound of the main door opening catches my mom's attention. "That's must be Charlie." She says as her grip upon my hand softens. "I'm gonna check on her." She gives me one last glimpse before leaving. She looks worried.

I stay in bed thinking about what my mother just said. Somehow I can't give it a name, all I can say is I feel strange. And the problem is not Charlie. Her presence is no longer a problem. In fact, I kind of like the smurf.  To my surprise, I like her company more than I imagined I would. I don't dislike her like I did at the beginning and I'm not as defensive either. Still, I just don't like the news.

"Yeah, I'm gonna rest for a bit. I have a bit of a headache." I could hear her voice coming from the top of the stairs as she excuses herself and walks into her room. She's been living her for nearly three months. I knew the moment she stepped into the house that she was going to stay here more than just temporary. Yet, I don't think I can actually give her a status. She's just Charlie, the foster kid who suddenly came to live in my house. She's nothing more than that.

I can smell the scent of burned meat and chilly sauce. I know it's dinner time and I honestly could wait. I make a face, I fight back my pussy side, I should be used to her cooking by now. It's been 18 years goddamn.

"Kids, dinner is ready!" My mom shouts from the bottom of the stairs. I feel uncomfortable and somehow annoyed at her words 'kids'. I try to brush it off and head to the kitchen. My  mom awaits with a big smile, and somehow my annoyance dies a bit. "Come on, Dean, it's not good when it's cold."

'It's never good' I thought.

"Where's dad?" I ask as I take a plate from the shelf. I walk towards the stove where there are two casseroles filled with meat and a strange red sauce.

"I don't think he's joining us for dinner today," she said as she took a big ass spoon and filled it with whatever mess she made. "He had to do some late paper work."

I take a seat and she joins me. There's two plates seat up. One for me and the other for Charlie. We wait for a bit, no one speaks and I'm sure if I should start eating or wait for her. My mom's head seems to be elsewhere.

"Did you told Charlie it was dinner?"

"No." I reply, "Do you want me to tell her?"

"Umm, yeah," she says, "She said she wasn't feeling so good, go check if she's fine." She suddenly stands up and heads to the kitchen. "I think we ran out of Advil." She looks through the meds cabinet.

"Yeah sorry, I took the last container. I had a rough week with football."

"It's fine, love, I'll just go to the pharmacy and buy some more." She grabs a bottle and reads it.

"Do you want me to buy it for you?" I say thinking I'm not going to be any use for Charlie if she isn't feeling fine.

"It's fine, It's just around the corner." She turns towards me and smiles. She heads for her purse and her coat. I follow her to the door. "I know what to buy when the kids aren't feeling okay." She pressed her hand against my chin and kisses me in the forehead. "I'll be back in a second. Please go check on Charlie. There's some campbell's chicken soup." She says as she opens the door, "If she does have an upset stomach, whatever you do, don't give her the chilly!"

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