To Lift A Car All By Yourself

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         To Lift A Car All By Yourself


-Shit guys! I updated but the file was like one chapter before the last. And so I had to delete it and repost it! Sorry!-

I won't lose it, hold it steady. All by myself, I can lift a car. I can lift a car all by myself.

"Good morning," my mom greeted as I made my way to the dinning room. I blinked at the scene before me, Charlotte happily helped my mother make breakfast.

I felt really uncomfortable at the scene, mainly because Charlotte didn't seem like that type of girl. But then again, what type of girl was Charlie? All I thought about her before was nothing but a shank. I don't know if it was the change of clothes or the hair dyed. But she confused me, maybe because she didn't fit the stereotype of a foster kid. Addictive to drugs, piercings, dark clothes. Charlotte was smart, she wore colorful dresses. It didn't make any sense.

Charlotte smiles to me as I sit in front of her, she takes a bite of her food and drives the fork inside her mouth. She glances at me and frowns, "Hey," her smile grows wider, "you dyed it."

My hand messes my hair around, "Yeah. I wanted back to my original color but the stylist practically threaten me with his scissor and I gave up." My hair was now a mixture between light brown and brown.

"I like it," she nods.

"Thanks." I return the gesture, she glances at her phone and brings another bite into her hand rapidly. My mom brings my breakfast to me, she sets the plate in the table.

"You want some more, Charlie?" She asks her as she grips upon her shoulder gently.

Charlotte smiles brightly and shakes her head, she covers her mouth with her hand. "I'm already in a hurry, I have to catch the bus."

"I can drive you," I offer without thinking. Charlotte glances at me puzzled and my mom seems to light up with happiness by the fact that we're getting along.

"Um," she says sounding unsure, she frowns as she straightens up. "Well yeah. That be nice." I glance back at my breakfast and sink my fork into the eggs and bacon.

I enter inside my car and Charlie follows me shyly. She has another dress on, and a red plastic headband. "You know, I could drive you from now on so you wouldn't have to take the bus."

Her lips turn into a thin line, "I don't mind taking the bus."

"Yeah but I mean, we're going the same way. It be just for the morning since I have football practice after school." I could see make out the school building from afar. I glare at Charlie trying to make some conversation. "I like your hair dyed too by way."

Charlie returns the smile, "Thanks."

"I hope it doesn't come off as insulting or anything like that but why did you decided to 'change' your style?" I ask as I try to sound as cool as possible.

Charlie has her eyes fixed at her the ground, she frowns and chuckles sarcastically. "I have always been liked this, I just couldn't try it. I have always liked summer dress and headbands. I hated having to dye my hair to blue."

"Then why did you dyed it?" I ask confused bombarding her with questions, "Why couldn't you try it?"

"You have no idea of what a foster child goes through, Dean," Our eyes met, her eyes reflect hater and sorrow at the same time. And I'm scared it's directed to me. "I was running away, I thought that if the police was looking for a blonde I would change my hair color so they wouldn't be able to find me." She looks annoyed this time, her voice raises tone as if she was talking to an idiot. Her temper slipping. "Dean, how was I going to behave normally, all happily when my supposed 'mother' didn't act like one?" A deadly silence follows her words, my breath gets caught in my lungs. I didn't see that coming. We arrive at the parking lot, Charlie looks out the window. "I have to go to class." She says as she abruptly opens up the car door. For a second she seems doubtful, she blinks."I changed my looks," Charlie glares back at me. "Because it isn't fun to count on no one." My grip around the wheel tightens as she leaves the car. I smashed my left hand against it and sighed. I get out of my car and slam the door, I can feel the glares of everyone as I walk toward the building.

I spot the crew a few meters away, "Hey Felicity?" I call her from afar, she blinks at my sight but quickly regains her usual composure. I pull her from the arm softly to talk to her privately.

"Hey Dean," she smiles kindly at my sight.

"Sorry for the other day," I apologize. "I was kind of an ass."

"More like fullmode, my friend." Felicity sounds serious and more a moment I'm a bit scared. But a small grin forms from the corner of her mouth. She playfully smashes her hands against my chest.

I chuckle at her joke and the moment is suddenly interrupted by Carter being an asshole. A wolf whistle is heard from behind followed by gorilla sounds. I give Carter my very best 'you motherfucker' glare.

"Can you feel the love tonight?" Jason sings Elton from behind. He makes a heart shape with his hands against his chest.

"Tonight," Carter joins with the chorus and battles his eyelashes. Jason pushes his chest out, he pouts out his lips in a 'O'.

"I'm gonna make you feel the love of my fist, if you don't shut up." Felicity makes a face, she pulls out tongue at Jason chidlishly.

"Watch out the tongue, young lady." Jason hisses with sergent tone as he points out at Felicity. Jason jumps out from the bench and wraps his arms around Starbucks. Starbucks mumbles the tone of 'Can't You Feel The Love Tonight'. I shot him a deadly glare, Starbucks gives me an innocent smile and I can't help but let me crack me up.

The day goes on normally, except for the fact that I can't seem to stop thinking about Charlie's words. As we walk into literature, I see Charlie and Violet from afar. I frown as I seem to notice something that I hadn't realized before. Charlie always, always wears a sweather with her dresses.

"Have you seen the thing she has in the back?" Lacey asks Felicity with a face, "Brittany says it's beyond creepy. She told me that she had forgotten her phone and when she walked into the lockers; she saw it." I try to ignore Lacey's usual annoying topic; everyone's flaws. The bell rings and the hallway is suddenly filled with people. "We need a plague." Lacey says with a face, "There's too many people." People push each other around as they try to make it to their next class or await for their teachers to open the classrooms.

Some girl passes Charlie by and pours her starbucks at her. Someone had pushed her and she wasn't able to keep a hold of her drink. Charlie and Violet gasph, the whole thing falls upon her side, the white sweather is completely soaked in whipped cream and iced-coffee. Everyone's staring, some are trying to hold on their laughter.

"I'm so sorry!" She apologizes, Charlie and Violet rush into the bathroom. The girl follows from behind. Everyone goes back into their previous conversations to talk about the recent incident. I follow from behind worriedly and I could listen to the girl apologizing as Charlie tries to wash away the coffee. "Here," she offers as she tries to take off Charlie's sweather. But as soon as she touches her, Charlie snaps.

"Don't touch me!" The girl is filled with fear and so is Violet. She tries to keep her pose.

"Charlie," Violet tries to calm her down. "She's just trying to help."

The bell rings for the second time, "I can take it from here. You should go to class." Violet doesn't seem to understand but she does as she says, she grabs the girl and they quickly exit.

I wait a few meters away and as I check there's no one around. I enter inside the girl's bathroom, Charlie jumps out at my presence. Her back is bare, I can see it, a huge scar. It's deep, it looks like it's been there for a long time and that it needed some stiches. Her eyes are full of tears, she turns around as she tries to cover up with her sweather. And that is the moment when I realize that Charlie had been lifting a car all by herself.

So hello my readers, I think this is a very special chapter! I hope you like it cause I spent all my freaking study time to write it. Anyway! I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for reading so far and I appreciate the comments that all of you write about the story. It really makes me want to keep writing! Hope you enjoy :) Also I did a new trailer for the book! And changed the cast, Charlotte will be portrayed by Diana Argon

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